Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adj] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 The 13 headfuls of ideas they 've got show occasional but disturbing signs of driving them aimlessly away from what makes them so good in the first place and into acid rock tedium city .
2 New residents are at their most receptive during the first six months .
3 The business of travel is vital to the economic survival of such countries , but as the numbers of tourists and travellers increase , a compromise has to be reached between the identity of the host country and the ‘ golden hordes ’ of tourists which threaten to swamp it and destroy the very characteristics which make it so attractive in the first place .
4 They never wavered in describing the issue as extremely important for their voting decision : 64 per cent called it extremely important in the first week and 63 per cent in the last .
5 If you 're going to get picked up in bars and hand it out free on the first date , you 'd better check in regular at St Stephen 's . ’
6 Two of the women who founded the centre in 1980 , the charismatic Mrs Penny Brohn , a cancer sufferer herself who has spurned the path of orthodox medicine , and Mrs Pat Pilkington , and Dr Alec Forbes , the centre 's medical adviser , made it quite clear in the first of the series of six , that the centre 's work was to be seen as supplementary to orthodox treatment and not a substitute for it .
7 I found it very difficult for the first few hours , but after watching the robots and using my skill at cheating I was able to watch somebody else to find out how to complete each screen , of which there are lots .
8 The fact that I had not done so put me too high for the first available field , but with insufficient height for the next one .
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