Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 i 'll bring my mate with me so then we just miss three ? are plans for such a game real ? ( joke i guess ? ) if so what kind of footwear should i bring over ?
2 He likes them so much he even looks forward to being stuck at roadworks .
3 No I funnily enough I just landed er er I I I did n't hurt myself at all .
4 Oh that 's just a thank you because the person in the car behind let me through so I just said thank you .
5 but if you leave it to somebody else well you never done .
6 Often there 's a lot of , that people erm do or do n't do that you , you ca n't erm go along with when people are wanting terminations of pregnancy or , or they 're thinking of leaving their husbands and going off with somebody else then you just have to listen to what they say and put the facts as you see them in front of them .
7 For a moment her father said nothing more either he just stood with his hands clasped behind him , looking up at the ceiling .
8 He himself does nothing wrong yet he still punishes himself for other 's wrong doings .
9 Imagine the very worst that can happen at the interview — you fall over , give all the wrong answers , blush and become tongue-tied , antagonize the interviewer , do everything so badly you patently have not got a hope of getting the job .
10 Yeah I know but I did n't think I treat I thought no I 'll go safe put them far then you just happened to put two three in the of two king .
11 bed you see , get used to it , and when I come in in the morning and try and chuck him off well he normally comes down like but when I bloody go to go to bed with you , that 'll be it cos he 'll be straight there again .
12 to turn it on well it suddenly went .
13 trust , trust , somebody 's gon na do it somewhere otherwise it just escalates
14 ‘ You sly little trollop ! ’ he cried , grabbing her hair and pulling it so hard she nearly fell out of bed .
15 Oh I did n't know he had it so early I always thought it was the week before .
16 suddenly forgotten , it suddenly just it just did n't twig with them at all .
17 Course , that was did n't want to come and she said oh they asked for it in so I just pretended I did n't I 'd handed mine in and did n't say anything like , you know in ca like , cos I had to go and get them yesterday .
18 But when we bring it out and examine it more closely it usually proves to be only trash whose glitter had caught our attention .
19 Yes and I thought it was mucking it up so I just swapped it over the way it was .
20 It , I mean it now just it just ruins the morale does n't it ?
21 But obviously if there 's some hesitation over it then perhaps you just need to step back a stage in what you 're saying and er er go over it again to for clarity , and Tony what 's another way of involving the audience ?
22 So the D V L C do n't look into it too deep they just send
23 Why is it that lately I always seem to get caught up in … ? ’
24 Yeah and I ca n't I ca n't get myself pushed cos if they push me too hard I usually ache .
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