Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] as she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He looked at her more closely as she poured the stale brownish water from the vase down the sink .
2 And she does not hear them as well as she did once .
3 She stood back and watched him approach the three headstones , saw him touch them as gently as she had known he would .
4 I had the feeling that Signe had n't dismissed Harvey 's words of caution about me as completely as she professed and I carefully refrained from asking about the parcel .
5 Why had it trapped him as neatly as she had done ?
6 He ran his hand the length of her spine , making her aware that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him , and for a wild moment she could see no reason why they should n't make love .
7 They were her Aladdin 's caves and , ever since her inheritance , open to her as often as she chose , though for most of the year she contented herself with a reminder of them in the small parcels .
8 She suffered one paroxysm of doubt , the first and the last , and a matter of shame to her as often as she remembered it after , when the hour of noon came and passed , and no one sent for her to go into the town and fetch her father to the audience ; and when she ventured to enquire , she was told that one of his Grace 's clerks had already gone to summon Master Parry , and she need not concern herself in the matter .
9 He was able to answer her as calmly as she had spoken .
10 She saw him again briefly as she helped herself to food .
11 She bent her head into it as she crossed the yard , only to lift it up sharply as she heard a voice saying , ‘ Psst !
12 It would have surprised Claudia if Dana did have any money ; she earned a great deal but spent it as fast as she made it , and , while it made sense for Roman to bring her under his wing , Claudia resented it fiercely .
13 She had not quite the disdain of him that she put into what she said ; and perhaps he knew it as well as she did .
14 Travis knew it as well as she did .
15 Her curiosity had been whetted rather than slaked , because Zambia could only tell it as far as SHe understood , and hirs was not a scientific mind by any standard .
16 Six days later , by the following Wednesday evening , she was able not only to lift the cigar up into the air but also to move it around exactly as she wished .
17 She felt her head going back , then brought it forward again as she said , ‘ It 's … it 's been pretty hot lately ; it affects us all . ’
18 Slowly struggling up from the depths of deep unconsciousness , Laura flicked open her eyelids , only to shut them firmly again as she winced at the brilliant sunshine flooding in through the windows of the bedroom .
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