Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adj] than [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those of the Indus and Ganges dolphins even lack lenses , so that their eyes can tell them little more than the difference between light and darkness , between day and night .
2 Personally , I find them less absorbing than the book that contrives to tell only one story , with as many ramifications as may be .
3 It was covered with birch trees , thousands of them , small and frail , none of them much taller than a man .
4 Someone more thoughtful than the rest had ordered to be shut the big river gates that were at the point where the Ankh flowed out of the twin city .
5 Moreover , ’ I glanced sideways at my master , ‘ surely the Scottish nobles will want to treat with someone more important than the Cardinal 's nephew and , ’ I added bitterly , ‘ his manservant . ’
6 Lucy would find nothing more disgusting than a tumbler of sweet sherry with her dinner .
7 ‘ I mean that you could probably spend the rest of your life doing nothing more taxing than the sunbathing you were so clearly enjoying today . ’
8 ( Note : There really is nothing more comforting than a chicken from the kosher butcher .
9 From that moment on they were trading on nothing more substantial than every banker 's memory of their ‘ soundness . ’
10 Josie 's hand slid from around her as if she 'd been holding nothing more substantial than a wisp of smoke .
11 The small yellow tablets coated in sugar and containing nothing more stimulating than a couple of stiff cups of coffee became the most bitter pill that Bud Johnson ever swallowed .
12 There is nothing more annoying than a computer system that works beautifully , say , in a library , and then one goes in at nine thirty in the morning and you ca n't get books out because the power has gone off , and if we are sure to go on having a society with industrial disputes , we want a system that is not capable of being completely ruined by one small section of workers deciding not to work on a particular day , and so I think while we 're putting them in , while we want to put them in in a way which that is compatible , we also need to think of having a kind of fail-safe system , particularly in the sort of more serious applications such as medicine and transport and so on , whereby we ca n't be held to ransom by very a small group of people , or indeed by just some technical fault , such as a power failure or something of this kind .
13 Meredith , who had served in nothing more bloody than the Catering Corps , called a break and clambered into the orchestra pit to mangle Bach on the piano .
14 In addition , all that is required is a chemical room-temperature mechanism which involves nothing more complicated than an experiment in a high school science lab .
15 Night on Earth Another road movie from cult hero Jim Jarmusch — but this time the vehicle is nothing more romantic than a taxicab .
16 Bainbridge has a lovely village green which was the setting for nothing more remarkable than the fact that I arrived there one day to walk over from Bainbridge to Cam Houses with Tony and Eddie , the landlord from my local pub , only to discover that I 'd left my walking boots back at home in Dentdale and had to do the entire walk in a pair of fur-lined cowboy boots , which earned me the nickname of Roy Rogers for the rest of the week .
17 As matters stand , some 27.4 per cent of my sexuality is of the Grecian or musical persuasion ; 71.6 prefers a quiet evening in with nothing more erotic than a gardening magazine and a steaming mug of Mr Horlicks 's malted beverage , whilst the remaining one per cent has become attached to one of Miss Esther Rantzen 's saucy root vegetables .
18 For myself , I lay down with nothing more erotic than the Guardian .
19 Transaction facilities are built into kiosks either by providing online or other forms of communication facilities , sometimes nothing more sophisticated than a voice telephone link , or by allowing on-site , consolidated storage of customer requests which can be manually collected at a later time .
20 Imagine hosting Christmas for a similarly huge number in a disused warehouse , with nothing more sophisticated than a Portakabin for a kitchen .
21 There is nothing more depressing than a collection of so-called first editions and rare items displaying faded spines , mull bursting through cracked hinges , scarred leather inadequately treated with greasy polish , mending tape of various hues round the spine , head and tail bands hanging forlornly and , perhaps worst of all , a badly lettered brown paper cover holding the whole thing together .
22 Solidarity ministers , who this time last year were huddled in places like Warsaw 's scruffy Czytelnik café plotting nothing more ambitious than the legalisation of their union , now wake up each morning to the daunting task of building a new democratic Poland on the rubble of the old communist one .
23 AFM Michael Ferguson played the Dalek claw seen at the end of episode four , but although convincing to the audience , this claw was nothing more elaborate than a joke shop gorilla hand covered in grease .
24 There could be nothing more suspicious than a Secretary of State or one of his administrative officials deciding for political or administrative reasons that a particular accident should not be investigated when a vital matter of air safety was at issue .
25 Women reviewers found them more sensitive than the stuff about his conquests .
26 Nothing puts me off more than an artist coming to me and telling me that their work sells well .
27 Billie Jean King , who little more than a decade ago was still thrilling Wimbledon crowds , is 48 and Sixties soccer idol George Best is three months older than Clinton .
28 It was already dark but the square glowed with marquee brilliance , and none more brilliant than the Empire 's .
29 Discussion in the Yachting World office has taken some interesting turns lately , none more interesting than the campaign for the single black box , or the all-things-in-one instrument .
30 ‘ Of all the charges brought against the gay community there is none more common than the assumption that gay and paedophile are one and the same .
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