Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] her [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 I also checked her urine for sugar as she now had vaginal thrush although this was probably due to the antibiotics .
2 So I say nothing to Anna ; instead I quietly join her family for a meal .
3 Mr Waldron has told the jury that McLean , who was a heavy drinker and took medication for angina , asthma and rheumatism , suffered from a mental abnormality which severely impaired her responsibility for her actions .
4 She gladly gave her blood for a substantial blood transfusion , and the patient was told after-wards by the doctor , ‘ You owe the fact that you are alive today to the crossing sweeper who first detected a movement in you when you were in the mortuary and then gave her blood for you . ’
5 Choosing to turn a blind eye to the unlikely drama that was unfolding a few feet in front of her , she merely expressed her gratitude for the imitation topaz bangle that she 'd just unwrapped , before turning on her heels and heading downstairs to catch the special seasonal episode of Crossroads .
6 She also shows her bias for Bassanio in the music she plays when he is choosing the caskets .
7 She even crossed her fingers for me .
8 Though viewed by many as a relic of the 1890s , she never lost her enthusiasm for new artistic trends .
9 Even though she had left Stornoway when she was just 14 , she never lost her love for her birthplace or her sweet West Highland accent .
10 Putting aside his choice of partner , the lady who publicly declared her support for the barbaric practice of ‘ necklacing ’ those who step out of line , there is his friendship with Col Gaddafi , who is said to have paid the bill for the ANC leader 's recent tour of North Africa , as well as contributing $135,000 to Mrs Mandela 's defence .
11 He would persuade her that he loved her , ask her to promise to run away with him if her father refused his consent to their marriage , and , when he finally asked her father for her hand , threaten him with the prospect of his daughter 's elopement — he and Jared Tunstall both knew how self-willed his daughter was , and that any threat from her would not be idle .
12 Maud salvaged him as usual by noticing nothing , and he mistakenly respected her instinct for dealing with his doldrums .
13 Yet it never entered her head for a moment to think that Prince Charles was remotely interested in romance .
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