Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] is [vb pp] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is a fund to which it is intended that LECs will bid competitively with the intention of developing innovative ways to help unemployed people into work and create jobs .
2 Outline some of the evidence from which it is believed that water has not been lost in large quantities from Venus , and the evidence which indicates that some may have been lost .
3 For it is that history , and that revelation , in which it is believed that God has made Himself known .
4 By contrast , the Corinthians passage in which Paul speaks of male headship , and in which it is said that women should be silent ( a verse which is probably an interpolation and does not owe to Paul ) , he is concerned with a practical situation which has arisen , a situation in which the church , still insecure in a pagan world , was likely to cause scandal if it departed too far from social convention — and his concern is that it should not unnecessarily put itself in jeopardy .
5 Even if we take patristic Christology , in which it is said that God in Christ took on humanity in which we all participate , it is still the case that that human nature was the human nature of a male human being .
6 The views of centres are therefore being sought on the year in which it is considered that candidates could be enrolled on new-style courses , for those courses which are not the subject of national development of units .
7 Suppose we have a linear substitution Ax = y in which it is required that y be a scalar multiple of x , say x .
8 SSAP9 states that net realisable value is the amount at which it is expected that items of stock can be disposed of without creating either profit or loss in the year of sale , i.e. the estimated proceeds of sale less all further costs to completion and less all costs to be incurred in marketing , selling and distributing directly related to the items in question .
9 As the break was a clean one it is hoped that Lawrence can make a full recovery , although he seems unlikely to play during the coming season .
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