Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] have [vb pp] him [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No , and I had I er I had tried to appeal to him to be quiet , he said well I 've got to build this shed , I said well it do n't have to be during the night when other people are trying to sleep , he said well that 's up to them , and he started hammering again , while I was talking to him , and then I kept on and on and eventually , I think while I was talking to him I 'd kept him quiet while I was talking to him .
2 Despite the cool way in which he had always spoken to her she had thought him different from other men .
3 The Beggar tells him he has done him good already , and asks him not to spurn but to honour the experience of old age , claiming that poverty has shown him God .
4 He just did n't comprehend what she had told him this afternoon .
5 So that 's what we 've called him all day .
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