Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] have [be] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Lucille Walker had n't brought me clear over to Hollywood just to tell me I 'd been played for a sucker .
2 The trouble is my boyfriend , with whom I have been living for six months , thinks I should use the money to pay off our overdraft .
3 I even told them I had been recommended for a commission .
4 ‘ This is someone I 've been longing for you to meet .
5 And while we were talking about Crippen , it would probably be unwise to choose as a role model someone who had been topped for the offence .
6 If someone else is living in your home , for example someone who has been caring for you , this may also mean the value is not taken into account .
7 my Lord I , I think it takes the view and probably not unreasonably that assuming good faith on the part of the disciplinary tribunal and assuming that there is er review by the courts , you will have complete objectivity and someone who has been excluded for a good reason , maybe fraud or something of that nature should not be competing in the first place , but he will not be excluded unreasonably and therefore if he was excluded unreasonably erm the fact of he 's exclusion could be anti competitive because it takes out of the market a player
8 A thrill went through Alice , as when someone who has been talking for a lifetime about unicorns suddenly glimpses one .
9 For one thing Harlow is the sort of town which I 'd been agitating for both before and after the war whenever I was speaking on behalf of the Labour Party both at street corners and at public meetings on the type of life we vis envisaged for a normal person in the land .
10 Michael Herr says , ‘ I had an absolute raving love affair with the war , but my other love affair was with America , not with Indo-China ; it was with American energy , which I 've been criticised for , but that 's how it happened ’ .
11 When I was eighteen I came in contact with the Catholic Crusade which was a rather left wing Christian Socialist Organization and I found that their attitude to problems contained the answers for which I had been searching for a good many years tell me when you want me to raise something .
12 Thus flighted , I sent them shooting out over the mud and the water towards their suffocating ends ; then I buried them , using as coffins the big matchboxes we always kept by the stove , and which I had been saving for years and using as toy-soldier containers , model houses and so on .
13 I took a drink from one of the twenty-four plastic gallon containers which I had been collecting for two years .
14 Intending to be a priest of the Church of England , I lost my faith , slowly but painfully , and at the end of the summer left Oxford and the house in Norham Gardens in which I had been living for two years and in which , by a curious turn of fortune , my office now is .
15 The canyon ran parallel to the continuation of the wadi which I had been following for days .
16 My flight path ended on a small ledge , my hands still grasping Olympus camera which I had been cradling for all my worth , regardless of the blows striking my body from every angle .
17 I live in Scarborough , and some time ago enquired about leisure art classes ; this led to me taking an interview for a full-time art and design course , which I have been accepted for .
18 The development is being promoted by the City of Edinburgh District Council , although it has not yet progressed to the submission of a planning application on which I have been asked for comments by the District Councils Director of Planning .
19 For instance having retired to this lovely English village , and assembled my wits and memories to compile this narrative , I have had the satisfaction recently of discovering the original meaning of three common expressions which I have been using for years .
20 Speaking immediately after his election , John Young said : ‘ I am honoured and delighted to be elected Deputy Vice President and I see it as an opportunity to contribute to some of the serious issues facing the profession , and to represent a body with which I have been involved for much of my life .
21 Brightest spot : the final , disgraceful death of the opinion poll industry , which I have been campaigning for since 1983 .
22 And she cried out as a cascade of fireworks seemed to explode deep within her , before their bodies , now moving in perfect unison , recaptured the fierce , tumultuous pleasure they had always shared in the past — the total consummation which she had been denied for so long .
23 Her East Coast American accent deceived most people , it was so like , and yet in some ways so unlike , that of the society in which she had been living for the last six months .
24 This script began with Aunt Lilian 's release from the shabby asylum in which she had been held for decades .
25 Moya , a seemingly relaxed woman in her forties , described her attacks , which she has been having for 20 years , as ‘ an enormous blackness and fear , like being held under water ’ .
26 Towards which we 've been striving for weeks .
27 A small hole was dug , the cigarette buried , songs sung over the grave and then the whole procession wended its w ? y round the field four times singing the funeral march from Aida , which we had been practising for a week .
28 Divisional general manager David Howroyd commented : ‘ We are tremendously excited about this venture , which we have been considering for some time .
29 The effect of these new measures will be to allow a substantial acceleration and simplification , which everybody 's been calling for , of decision making in asylum and immigration cases .
30 Register Office , handful of guests , parents optional , drink-up at couple 's house ( in which they 've been living for several years already ) .
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