Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] been [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Cardiff was still one of the bastards who had put him away , not someone who had been duped by a fellow officer with false evidence , certainly not someone he had come to respect .
2 And as for the delay in writing , do n't you have any idea how time-consuming it is , looking after someone who 's been paralysed by a stroke ? ’
3 They would n't join the grown-ups for a good many years , though the Sheikha 's daughter had been my meal companion before I myself had been accepted by the ‘ grown-ups , .
4 Well the position which I 've been told by my company directors is that we are still trading , er a er an administration order has been taken out and we are continually , continuing to trade and er that er rules .
5 David Jordan will be in charge of the inter-divisional competition for the George Wood Cup , which I have been assured by Conor Massey , is in the safe hands of George and Sheila Rose .
6 ‘ Fred ’ as she was called on the circuit , played no less than 26 Federation and Wightman Cup rubbers for Britain , before directing her sporting talents , in a competitive sense , increasingly towards golf to which she had been introduced by her devoted husband Keith , himself a former leading British tennis junior .
7 These were the ordinary things from which she had been protected by her money and her ill health .
8 Although she could have sworn she had blacked out , she still somehow recalled the journey on which she had been taken by the tall man and a few others .
9 After the depressing makeshifts to which she had been reduced by British rationing , the sensation of wonderful materials against her skin was almost as pleasing as the vendeuse 's comments about ‘ Madame 's wonderful figure ’ and striking face .
10 Bartels has been credited with helping Steffi , 23 , over the past two years in which she has been plagued by illness and unhappiness .
11 Here the unconscious mind takes the more specific form of Christabel 's sexuality and sexual desires , which she has been taught by her upbringing to disregard , and even to suppress , seeing them as the dark and evil side of human nature .
12 what instructions had been given to the architects as to the ground they were to cover ; how far Parliament would be bound by the decision of the Commission [ of Judges ] ; and how we were to guard ourselves against an expenditure which we had been told by high authority would amount to not much less than £5,000,000 or £6,000,000 …
13 I remember running on the rolling lawns of Kikuyu grass before dinner , the night noises of the exceptionally vocal African insect life striking up as it quickly grew dark , night unrolling from the ground upwards ; bullfrogs — in fact all manner of rana and bufo-frogs the size of a pair of roiled-up rugby socks , toads with great horned eyebrows , and tiny , reddish , darting amphibians , starting to howl , shriek , growl , and purr , a backdrop to our dinner on the terrace to which we have been summoned by the stirring , thrilling , beating of a gong hung from a pair of tusks .
14 The the words which we have been given by the product engineer , is that the Department of Transport , and that was his words , committed to this scheme .
15 My hon. Friend identifies precisely the problem with which we have been landed by the Government and British Rail .
16 The immediate increase in those deposits will come from transfers from banks but the ultimate origin will be a diversion of funds away from the destinations to which they had been channelled by unit trust managements .
17 In Chapter 6 , it was suggested that one factor which contributed to the variations in fortune between different towns was the extent to which they had been affected by developments in the manufacture of cloth .
18 But they had received a further ‘ hammer blow ’ with a demand yesterday ‘ for thousands of pounds from the Inland Revenue for taxation which they had been told by Barlow Clowes had been deducted at source .
19 Under his tutelage , the Indians began to demand the rights over their lands which they had been guaranteed by Brazil 's Constitution .
20 Under Russian rule many native communities were deprived of such rights by sheer seizure of land ( zakhvat ) or by forfeiting territory as a result of pernicious debtor-contracts into which they had been duped by unscrupulous settlers .
21 Not only is the official not complaining of the handicaps with which they have been saddled by Howard 's fellow-countrymen — he 's apologizing that they have n't overcome them !
22 Asian hoteliers and restaurateurs have been reluctant to disclose the extent to which they have been affected by the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International ( BCCI ) .
23 Furthermore , the auditors can only report on the information which they have been given by the Vendor and if that information is inaccurate ( causing the Accounts to be wrong ) the auditors will not be at fault .
24 The scale of many more recent industrial disputes , together with the manner in which they have been regarded by workers , employers and the state , have made explanations based on pluralism seem less and less plausible .
25 The concessions and trade-offs which have come to form the main content of Zambian politics have proved fatally debilitating , even though the skill with which they have been orchestrated by President Kenneth Kaunda ( KK ) has ensured that Zambia is one of the least oppressive societies in Africa .
26 Despite himself he had been touched by her fierce defence of him , and although he frequently entertained Mrs Darrell he only did so because she was the widow of his dead friend .
27 It was , as he readily acknowledged , in many ways an unfortunate statement into which he had been pushed by his officials before he had fully mastered the intricacies of the problem .
28 Where damage is caused to a visitor by a danger of which he had been warned by the occupier , the warning is not to be treated without more as absolving the occupier from liability , unless in all the circumstances it was enough to enable the visitor to be reasonably safe .
29 He had held sway at the College for 45 years , for 40 of which he had been assisted by his faithful subordinate William Sewell who now , at the age of 58 , was to succeed his master as Professor .
30 An Oxford graduate , he had moved into general management in manufacturing and then into international construction and consultancy from which he had been headhunted by Richard Addis , now one of his senior partners .
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