Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] been [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It also amends the Official Secrets Act to allow someone who had been prosecuted to argue that releasing information was in the public interest .
2 ( 25 ) If someone who has been instructed to construct a building is prepared to give the money to the town for it to do so itself , since the testator wished this to be done by that person himself , his plea will not be heard : so ruled the late emperor Marcus in a rescript .
3 She reached across the desk , grabbed the instrument and began tapping out a number with the angry , impatient air of someone who has been kept waiting for an unacceptably long time .
4 ‘ It 's a sad time for me , but this is something for which I 've been trying to prepare myself for some time , ’ he said .
5 It 's the first occasion in fact on which I 've been permitted to speak at any meeting dealing with this application .
6 I put on my shoes and jacket which I had been asked to take off and told the doctor I would visit her another time .
7 Upon receiving a degree which would allow me to undertake research , I turned down a place which I had been offered to study theology , and went to Oxford .
8 My main concern , however , on this throbbing morn , is to reassure any of my admirers whose opinion of me may have been diminished by David and Ted 's startling revelations concerning the use to which I have been known to put my sinuses .
9 Andrew , how far exactly has the scheme which you 've been running gone ?
10 Hilary gave a brief report of the VIIth International and Commonwealth Conference on Sport , Physical Education , Recreation and Dance which she had been invited to attend on behalf of the M&D Division of the C.C.P.R. It was held at the University of Queensland , in Brisbane , Australia from 23–28th September , immediately preceding the Commonwealth Games .
11 Similarly , Vera Brittain was finally converted to absolute pacifism — and rendered temporarily speechless — while listening to Christian pacifist speeches at a rally to which she had been invited to put the case for collective security .
12 It turned out , after cross examination , that the bottle in question was in fact a bottle of Algizin-P , which she had been told to use to keep her fish healthy .
13 It was one which she had been longing to ask him ever since the night on which he had come home so late , just before she had turned off all the gas-lamps .
14 She resolutely pushed away the memory of Dr Neil and the life which she had been going to share with him .
15 In the BIP competition , she also achieved one of only two merits awarded in the architectural section with her photograph of the interior of the Darlington Cornmill , which she had been commissioned to take on behalf of the architects .
16 Although the current climate of education cut-backs and competition from a large variety of exercise classes presents a considerable challenge to the development of Medau , Pat is sure that the Grant Aid Programme , which she has been appointed to implement , has strengthened the foundations on which the Medau family can build .
17 You ca n't , take your point which we 've been trying to tackle at national account level
18 It 's like a dream in which we 've been trying to get through to people and we 've represented this by seeing ourselves locked inside our homes , desperately trying to get out .
19 In the same way , the ears , which we had been led to believe revealed the horse 's emotions , are not really good indicators of a horse 's feelings on their own .
20 Although they were perfectly competent people and good at their jobs , they were never going to become part of the new culture which we have been trying to design for the Storehouse group .
21 The cultural framework in which we have been raised and within which we have been taught to operate provides both security and significance within its frontiers .
22 But the ways in which we have been asked to look at consumer credit use are hardly relevant to TV rental .
23 committing ourselves ever more deeply to the ministry of communication which we have been called to share .
24 Consequently , from the authorities to which I have referred above and a number of decisions in other common law jurisdictions which we have been invited to consider , I have come to the conclusion that there is no difference in principle between a trading company and a non-trading corporation for the purposes of suing in tort , including the tort of defamation .
25 Past history is thus significant as the occasion by which we have been enabled to see what otherwise we might have failed to grasp ; but the real content of the revelation is in principle detachable from the particular history through which it has been manifested .
26 Oldbuy records which are no longer current and which we have been requested to delete from Buyers .
27 Fearing the latter ( although all missiles fired as of the end of January turned out to be conventionally armed ) , the population was advised to don gas masks , and to take refuge until the all-clear sounded in sealed rooms which they had been instructed to prepare on the top floor of their homes .
28 Radio of Russia on Feb. 16 said that Russian enterprises had a powerful incentive to acquire roubles , and that because of a lack of roubles , they were being forced to put goods on the market which they had been trying to hold back .
29 In the darkness , under cover of which they had been kissing cuddling so much ( with his hand inside her blouse ) that she had not the first idea what the film was about , he took her hand and guided it down to his lap .
30 Readers had responded to a Desert Island Discs competition , in which they had been asked to indicate their eight favourite works , the winner being the reader whose choice was nearest to consensus opinion .
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