Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I see alright well or I I invite members of the jury , the council wants to address me on some point of law which need n't concern you , so if you take a short break please .
2 I 've written a sentence which I think sums up the tape and introduces it which I think would do for both leaflets .
3 er , it depends on one 's own tastes , I personally do n't like the open planned that I 've seen in very modern houses where , erm I , I do n't quite know how to express it but it does seem to me odd to be on one floor level and then two feet up you 're on another level and er , that 's one aspect of the open plan that does n't appeal to me and I do n't quite understand why it 's necessary to have everything that 's going on in one room with pieces of furniture designed to act as barriers between the different functions or purposes for which you give parts of the room .
4 I refer to your fax of 17 April , in which you provide details of the type of research you propose to do for which you need an electronic dictionary tape .
5 He said he believed the bird excited or frightened the horse , which itself died moments after the fall .
6 The proof of this can be seen only by anticipating the events of the next ten years , during which she sent colonies to the west — to Thurii in Italy ( Diod. xii .
7 While her social views were sometimes inconsistent , there is a real sense in which she made compromises for the sake of the subscription .
8 Her abdomen is swollen into a white heaving sausage , I 2 centimetres long , from which she produces eggs at the almost unbelievable rate of 30,000 a day .
9 I picked up the crumpled cheque and spread it out , looking at it with the sort of hopeless hunger with which one admires things in the window of Fortnum & Mason .
10 I tried to explain then the basis on which we maintain contacts with the Palestinians .
11 But the strongest memory of the climb was the ease with which we joined forces with the Germans .
12 We regard a number of the acts taking place within the occupied territories as illegal — most obviously the policy of settlement , which we believe stands in the way of the peace process .
13 I am grateful to the Minister and to his Department for the speed with which they dispatched members of the Health and Safety Executive to the scene of the tragedy in my constituency at BP
14 Dall built his own Dall-Kirkham reflector with a 39-cm ( 15½-inch ) mirror in his back-garden observatory in 1937 , with which he takes photographs of the Moon and planets rivalling those taken by larger telescopes in professional observatories .
15 Further , he failed to get satisfactory answers to questions which he asked pupils about the work in hand and why they were doing certain things .
16 President Hafez al-Assad paid his first visit to Iran on Sept. 22-25 during which he held talks with the Iranian President , Hojatolislam Hashemi Ali Akbar Rafsanjani , and Iran 's spirititual leader , Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei .
17 In doing so it also extended and sharpened the tools by which it assured standards across the growing territory of higher education , but at the same time it struggled with the problem of those institutions which increasingly felt that they had served a long enough apprenticeship .
18 Well done to everyone who purchased products from the Tesco Nature 's Choice rang and helped raise £15,000 .
19 But not everyone you know wants of the old times .
20 Her experience was not one which supported theories of the power of the Prime Minister .
21 The MP was one who switched sides at the last minute to vote in favour of the treaty .
22 Yeah we we bought clothes in the
23 Your friend told me they held vigils outside the Soviet embassies all over the world when I was arrested and when Sakharov went on hunger strike .
24 At the first office the girl was young and brown and pretty , and he actually told her he flew Spitfires in the war .
25 ‘ One fishermen told me he saw seals in the area where he shot 20 creels and when he came back 20 minutes later they were all robbed .
26 But the rest was composed slowly and painfully , the verse undergoing major revisions all the time , partly on the suggestions of the various friends to whom he sent versions of the play .
27 In Ego Dormio he explains to the Sister that as she grows in her love of Christ , she will find nothing matters to her but this love and the sin of man which disfigures it , and that all this is focused by thinking on the Passion of Christ : Although in The Form he makes it clear to Margaret that it is difficult to be too prescriptive about meditation , since God will put the kind of thoughts into her heart that are right for her , he does say in Emendatio Vitae that beginners in spiritual life may find the words of others helpful ( 8.120.31 – 2 ) and on occasions he himself wrote meditations on the Passion which embody his understanding of the catalysis they are designed to help .
28 He himself spent hours in the chapel reserved for cadets , praying to the image of Rogal Dorn , and to the Emperor , attempting to recapture the moment when he had flown through fire , sure that this would stand him in good stead in battle .
29 Egg water brings warts , you drink it you get warts on the stomach .
30 He also has an old-world impatience with anyone who avoids pursuits of the mind .
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