Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 They convey to someone who belongs to the same culture a lot of information about the person who is wearing or carrying them .
2 Thus the examples of ( 9 ) are acceptable : ( 9 ) your behaviour was barbaric this device is expensive his plan was inspired but impractical Where a prenominal adjective fits equally well with either relationship — ascriptive or associative — to its noun , we find that its occurrence in predicative position is acceptable , but only provided that the relation is taken as being ascriptive ; thus ( 10 ) mentions an individual who either has Greek nationality ( but the nature and region of the business which he or she deals with remain unspecified ) , or is a person who handles affairs connected with Greece ( but who may well be of some quite different nationality , Belgian for example ) ; ( 11 ) however unambiguously tells us that there is someone who falls into the former category : ( 10 ) the Greek representative ( 11 ) the representative is Greek
3 Thus , the most useful way of analysing the first two precedents is to compare the provisions in each of them which relate to the same contractual issues and consider the two different approaches .
4 This created two new corners , which I treated in the same way , and so on till I achieved the shape marked out .
5 ‘ As I told you , I did n't go out much when I worked in London , but I 've got a silk dress which I wore on the few times I went to the opera .
6 ‘ I certify that I have known Colour Serjeant William Nicholl late of the 8th ( or King 's ) Regiment for the space of ten years , six of which I belonged to the same Company and always considered him a man of most exemplary character .
7 He explained that what makes the document confidential is the fact that the creator of the document has used his brain and thus arrived at a result which can only be produced by somebody who goes through the same process .
8 In the round before they attack , the valley is filled with their bizarre hoots and screeches , which they use in the same manner as bats to navigate and locate their prey .
9 The Tremaynes preferred their original country seat of Heligan , near Mevagissey , and during the nineteenth century they made a lot of money , which they lavished on the latter , leaving Croan untouched by architectural fashions .
10 In view of the conclusion which their Lordships have reached , namely , that the defendant 's conviction should be quashed and that it must be for the Court of Appeal in Jamaica to say whether a new trial should be ordered , their Lordships consider that it is unnecessary , and indeed undesirable in the interests of justice , to examine the rival contentions and the facts to which they relate with the same particularity as their Lordships would have felt bound to do if their recommendation had been in favour of dismissing the appeal .
11 Through the Declaration of Ilo , the two presidents committed Bolivia and Peru to implement the terms of the Gran Mariscal Andrés de Santa Cruz bilateral framework agreement , which they signed at the same time , for economic co-operation between the two countries .
12 Which they work on the same system as a as a rotovator .
13 However both males and females differ in the control which they have over the many muscles , including the diaphragm , used in voice production .
14 The proper word is , come from a very long word , a real mouthful , phenylketonuria , known as P K U for short P U , and Mr Guffbry developed this test specifically to diagnose this condition , but in nineteen ninety two there are other conditions which they diagnose at the same time with the same blood test , do you know what they are ?
15 At the end of the news conference Mr Levy was asked a question in Hebrew , to which he replied in the same language ; there was no translation , and Mr Hurd was forced to summon a member of the British Embassy staff to translate .
16 Then , it states that every citizen of the union erm residing in a member state shall have the right to vote and to stand as a candidate at municipal elections in the member state in which he resides under the same conditions as nationals of that state and that the right shall , not may , but shall be exercised er before the thirty first of December nineteen ninety four by the council acting unanimously on the proposal from the commission and after consulting the European parliament which arrangements may provide the derogations where warranted by problems specific to a member state .
17 Then came the meeting with the woman whom he was to marry , a meeting about which he writes in the same book .
18 Lord Newport asked Richard to teach in his place , which he did for a few months .
19 One of its striking features is the way in which it grapples with the many difficult and conflicting issues which that report — and all the other soul-searching reviews of the 1980s — had highlighted .
20 and some of them differ so much from others who you put in the same box and you
21 It 's back to school soon , so we bought a light-up world globe ( Woolworths sale £9.99 ) which reminded me we live at the same latitude as parts of Norway , Siberia , Labrador and Alaska .
22 Well we said , did you not visit and Morpeth and Annick well we we went round a few castles in that area to keep out the rain .
23 After India , Poland , Munich , quick trip to Milan to see Berio and Eco , Paris , Queneau unwell , Butor planning book on Diabelli Variations , that man is an interpretative machine , Paz said , whatever you feed him he devours in a few months and a year later out comes a book .
24 He is now hoping to raise enough money to return to Bosnia to continue his work , and while the thought he had to kill still haunts him he says in the same situation he would not fail to kill again .
25 Fortunately the driver made up for this heresy by roundly cursing the French , whom he disliked for the same reason that most Englishmen do — the way they clutter up the place , never get out of the way and ca n't speak English .
26 Of the three , the split between Sampras , 20 and Brandi , from whom he parted for a few months at the end of 1990 , was the greatest surprise .
27 But what I heard at the same time was the most fantastic application of expression .
28 Just a means to get what I want with the least amount of trouble . ’
29 Kahlo 's adoption of Tehuana dress , while being an attractive disguise of what she saw as a less than perfect body , asserted both a feminist and an anti-colonialist position .
30 And so it goes on through life ; always a struggle between wanting to hold on to what we have at the same time as we are reaching out for new joys and satisfactions ; always the dilemma of making choices , of greedily wanting everything , of resenting having to let anything go .
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