Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And she was reported to have er have said when they when they took her out , that there would be nothing nothing grow on the site of the house but runcho And I do n't know the they were awful hungry for land in that day you ken and there was quite , there was more than one occasion there was old folk just putting up with the house just to get the land that it stood on .
2 To everyone I know under the age of 35 , it is prehistory .
3 I concede that it will do for judging in retrospect the spontaneity beyond the margins of my rationality , as when jumping like an instinctive animal for the side of the road , and for such primitive choices as the child 's refusal of another helping ; but I continue to insist that at the centre of me I differ from the child in having escaped being restricted to choice between spontaneous goals .
4 Mummy and me I like in the morning
5 and me I like in the morning
6 I mean if if I 'd done that this morning and I 'd written it all up before you came in and then said well what we 've done is this and then we did that and then we did that but as as it was generated as we discussed then then you were with me I hope at the way it went
7 Taking Harry gingerly with me I moved to the left , towards the wall , and with great relief found that there was indeed a walkway there at about the height of my waist .
8 Me I going on the pot
9 And the car just went like this into the middle of the road slowly towards me I swerved onto the grass
10 The hon. Member for Knowsley , South ( Mr. O'Hara ) — whom I welcome to the Chamber — missed that point in Committee , where we enjoyed the confusion that reigned on the Opposition Benches in respect of this issue .
11 As a mere imperfect mortal , I find myself working twice as hard to introduce those whom I like to the Lord .
12 Julia , this is Peter Suvarov , whom I knew during the war . ’
13 For me the chief attractions of this programme were the two pieces by Hans Gàl , whom I knew towards the end of his long and fecund life ( he died in October 1987 , at the age of 97 ) .
14 Was that woman maybe Gaynor , whom I knew with the act of love ?
15 It was already nearly dusk and I supposed the Dutch people whom I saw on the pavements and on bicycles were hurrying to get home before the curfew .
16 Then when she was talking to me someone knocked at the door then Auntie Linda was saying he wo n't bite you , he 's alright .
17 John replying to these resolutions on behalf of the C E C. Before I kick off I to reply to them I put at the top of my scribbled notes three words poverty hardship and loneliness and I think those three words typify and sum up what the majority of these resolutions are all about in this retarded society that we 've lived in er under in the last fourteen years .
18 I I looked at the fabrics in the Libertys
19 Yeah well as I say I I lived in the east end of London and that that 's how it was done there but I dare say that other places organized it
20 But I I hope at the end of all this , there will still be how much training you 've had , that when the post is eventually advertised it will still be
21 I I said to the chap he said did you have a good day , this little guy sitting next to me he answered yeah , good day yes did you see us ?
22 Erm Dick I I walked round the site on Friday with er Paul and S Paul and Stuart because Paul has been I do n't necessarily think this for you I do n't know why I said Dick then .
23 I I knew of the existence of this of this report went to the enquiry on this Tuesday by mistake , but I two
24 Well he if he has a heavy suitcase I I I go to the station yeah .
25 the other the black moment you know th the bit where I I put in the bit where the he broke his leg and the mortgage was gon na be foreclosed on him I mean that builds up to the black moment which is a necessary part of the story and then he got out of it erm because the house relented and showed him where the copper kettle was that was worth the money .
26 Well funnily enough I went down there last week , and I must admit I I came round the corner and there was one particular vehicle still does it .
27 But I did n't look , I did n't stop , it was raining so bad Thursday morning and windy that I I went to the market , I cut straight through and went up and Di went to get the paper then he went .
28 So we 're looking at it first , I I think in the end , there are schemes that we 've got to put on to the back burner , or the , until such times Lincoln develops further , and there is further development .
29 Generally , I I enter in the accident book if I give any treatment .
30 The point I I simply wanted to make which is why I I sat through the debate , erm is the honourable member for Edinburgh Central er in his er speech er which I I must say I did expect , called for stronger regulations , er we had the argument the other week about whether there should be statutory regulations or whether we should make er the er self regulation system that we have with financial services industries work .
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