Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [vb base] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My feet tickle with the marching rhythm .
2 I come from quite a large family but most of my family live in the same area .
3 If a child does not know any other black people , he or she does not value them ; all his or her values descend from the adoptive parents .
4 As the nights grew darker and colder , dinner parties grew scarcer and most nights Alexandra spent by her own fire , doing her meticulous accounts , writing faithfully to her father or answering George Langley 's breezy and frequent letters from Cambridge , Rose and Grace Langley were in London until Christmas , their hunters idle in the stable and Alexandra 's life was both peaceful and satisfying in their absence .
5 Its authors point to the relative rarity of hysteria nowadays when compared with its frequent occurrence before the First World War :
6 Then they heard — their ears alert for the slightest changes in the grind of the traffic — a car slowing just behind them .
7 More than a dozen of her pictures hang in the National Gallery of Canada ; other pictures are in galleries all across Canada , and in the homes of art lovers in Europe and America .
8 He saw one of her heels sink into the soft grass , she almost fell .
9 They know she can be relied on to make the big day for her clients sparkle with the perfect glittering accessory .
10 Some of the arachidonic acid derived eicosanoids ( prostaglandin E 2 , leukotriene B 4 , and thromboxane A 2 ) have been incriminated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease , because their concentrations increase in the inflammed intestinal mucosa in the acute phase of the disease .
11 For any infinite sequence of symbols 1,2,3 and 4 allowed by Fig. 6.6b we can find a vertical line of points ( arrived at by taking away " two-thirds ' of an interval an infinite number of times ) from which trajectories pass through the four shaded areas in the prescribed sequence .
12 However , the content required for such targets is inadequate for a true presentation of the Catholic faith tradition — it does not embody that content which adherents know as the essential elements of their faith .
13 Matthew and Luke in their Gospels speak of the Holy Spirit for Christians only in the Mission Charge which anticipates their future role as ambassadors of Christ .
14 Their footsteps echo between the ancient stone buildings .
15 Its movements relate to the four points of the compass , and a great number of movements have to be remembered .
16 The foundation for the Kaldor view has been discussed in Lecture 3 , where we brought out its relationship with the company sector and the extent to which individuals see through the corporate veil .
17 The arrangements set up by the two Houses differed widely , but they have had in common that their powers derive from the practical assistance given by the United Kingdom Government in the prompt provision of legislative proposals and other Community documents , and from the Government undertaking not to agree any proposal in the Council of Ministers until parliamentary scrutiny is complete .
18 Paradise still tends towards blandness in places but overall this is a strong , proud piece of artistic solidarity which merits notice beyond the middle-of-the-road bargain bins to which it has already been consigned .
19 And its aims travel in the same direction , albeit by a slightly different strategic route .
20 According to Ken Waters , head surgeon at the Grosvenor Clinic in Hendon , all men have a potential weakness in the inguinal canal , the route down which testicles descend from the upper abdomen to the scrotum .
21 The company says the market is tiough … but their figures prove with the right approach houses do sell .
22 Dillon and Mann L.JJ. held that he had erred in English domestic law , because he had misunderstood the Hoffmann-La Roche case as extending to local authorities a privilege which belonged to the Crown alone ; and furthermore that he had erred in Community law because , since it is the duty of the national court to ensure the legal protection which persons derive from the direct effect of provisions of Community law , it was necessary to require an undertaking in damages to protect any current right which Wickes might have , by virtue of article 30 , to open their doors for Sunday trading .
23 This conclusion was based on the premises that ( 1 ) it is the duty of the national court to ensure the legal protection which persons derive from the direct effect of a provision of Community law ; ( 2 ) article 30 was such a provision ; ( 3 ) if Wickes is right that section 47 of the Act of 1950 is incompatible with article 30 , it has a current right to open its stores for Sunday trading , and it is the duty of the national court to protect that right ; ( 4 ) in the absence of an undertaking in damages , Wickes will have been restrained from opening on Sundays , without any right to compensation ; ( 5 ) there is no need for this purpose to assess the strength of Wickes ' challenge to section 47 on the basis of article 30 , it being enough that the challenge is not without foundation : see [ 1991 ] 3 W.L.R. 985 , 993 , per Dillon L.J. , and pp. 999–1000 , per Mann L.J .
24 Although James Braid is correctly credited with the course design , the Sandwich Professional was also involved for both their names appear on the first year 's accounts published in July 1908 for ‘ laying out , and advising as to links ’ , their respective fees being £15 6s. 6d. and £5 .
25 This is quite different from the lengthy exposure to much lower levels which people receive from the nuclear industry .
26 For a start , 80% of its staff come from the former graphics system builder , which was itself born of a marriage made in hell between bitter rivals Ardent Computer Inc and Stellar Computer Corp back in 1989 .
27 It seems to me that music television , like sports programming , mainly assumes that its audiences live in the same world and share the same expertise .
28 Since most social scientists and the readers of their works belong to the middle class , this pursuit typically leads to the lower and more desperate edges of society .
29 Their Lordships turn to the first of the orders under appeal , namely the order of Barnett J. refusing to overturn the decision of Judge Cameron not to grant a perpetual stay of the Barclays ( Asia ) prosecution .
30 The fact is that all the examples adduced to support the proposition that there should be a qualitative — or ‘ radical ’ — extension of the role of trade unions into the management of the business employing their members fail at the crucial oint .
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