Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [conj] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 It was hard for the active trade unionist of the day to believe that W.P.Lind could combine the secretaryship of the London Seamen 's Protection Society with his role as Superintendent Registrar for the Port of London or that his organisation , with large numbers of members on its books but only a handful paying contributions , was not actually in the hands of the shipping interests .
32 If there is no wool available to them , cats with an urge to re-create the pleasures of sucking at the maternal nipple have been known to suck their own fur , sometimes their feet and sometimes the tips of their tails ; or they occasionally develop a fixation on their owner 's hair and make repeated attempts to suck on that , if they are given half a chance .
33 Deeper , cultural changes are needed , and total quality management — with its insistence that only the patient can define quality — is the way forward .
34 It can still muster the mightiest fleet in the Known World and its armies are rightly feared by its foes and yet the realm is but a shadow of its former self .
35 The Liberals had decided to end their pact and so the government had no firm majority in the House on which to rely .
36 Before writing the report , the school librarian will have to consider certain factors involved in its compilation and also the consequences of submitting such a report .
37 If the EEC is to compete in post-GATT world markets , it is not the number of farmers which matters but rather the quality of their output .
38 This was the hub of her universe and here the family assembled after a day 's work , in the coal-mine or ( like Edward 's beautiful elder female cousin ) the local tinworks .
39 When a country surrenders its right to issue its own coinage , and does so irrevocably , it loses its sovereignty and thus the basis of its existence as a separate nation state .
40 Middlesbrough pensioners already pay £5 a year towards their passes and there the council is considering increasing the charge .
41 The slow deliberacy with which the wife commences her reply , with not a hint of offence in her reaction but rather a hint of care in selecting the right mode of reply , emphasizes her willingness to converse on the topic : So does her subsequent appropriation of a rhetorical device , the occupatio , a statement emphasized by the speaker feigning unwillingness or lack of freedom to express it : The monk too takes a moment 's pause before replying : again seeming to digest the implications of the wife 's words , or ( and ? ) to express , silently but with an eloquent action , astonishment at the wife 's ready invitation to him to continue to converse on this topic .
42 Even a woman wanting to take on help with child-care may have to consider whether or not she will make the decision herself or whether her husband or even the child itself will become involved .
43 Total warfare , though , aims at the annihilation of the enemy village , the death of all its inhabitants , the burning of the house and its contents and even the uprooting of the crops .
44 VP leaves it still as an open possibility that some sentences have more to their meaning than just the effect their truth would have on the evidence of our senses .
45 The Council was at this stage receiving not only reports from its committees but also the reports of visiting parties .
46 John Major has made one for citizens , British Rail has done it for their passengers , the banks have formulated one for their customers and now the JS distribution division has done it for the branches .
47 The parties do not share a conception of the good by reference to which the fruition of their powers or even the satisfaction of their desires can be evaluated .
48 The talkative bird , which is worth £300 , could let slip the name of one of its captors or even an address which could provide detectives with vital clues .
49 She has shown just how normal are her feelings and even a member of the Royal Family must feel desperately sad and lonely without their kids on Christmas morning .
50 Captain Coote 's sea pieces were fully manned and he told us about his contributing authors , unlike Mr Raban , who gives us only their dates and sometimes a mention in the introduction .
51 In practice leases are so tightly drawn it will be very rare indeed that anyone is in full and strict compliance with their leases and hence the acquirer will be more concerned about material non-compliance , which may lead to forfeiture of a lease .
52 Now , much of what they were saying — particularly their insistence that women had a right to control their bodies and therefore a right to family planning — was welcomed by all sides of the population industry .
53 The jewel in the Cobra 's head has its counterpart in Australian Aboriginal folklore in the form of the quartz crystal which enshrines the colours and essence of the rainbow , and the Rainbow Serpent of Australian mythology is closely related to the Indian Spectacled Cobra in terms of its role as both a fertility symbol and a symbol of higher consciousness .
54 As Mr Hamilton explains it , this is not an attack on its authority but merely an attempt to establish communication ‘ with the outside world . ’
55 She had forgotten to bring her gloves and so the hand that she thrust out to break her fall sank into the cold , muddy turf .
56 We were shown around by the site director , who pointed out some of its features and also the spoil heaps .
57 Out of necessity , publishers have an eye to their profits and neither a work 's inclusion in a catalogue or collection , nor instant popularity , guarantees its suitability .
58 Because the assessment is internal , there is flexibility in its timing and hence a student can work towards a module at his or her own pace .
59 At the moment its Gav and maybe a couple , and me and ‘ er indoors ’ .
60 Brigadier and Mrs. Carter lived in a large house in Brown Street — he was fat , very pompous with a waxed moustache , having exceptionally long spikes ; Major Forbes from Fowlers Hill , who not only looked like but also dressed like King George V — whether by accident or design I do n't know , Mrs. Bowyer , the widow of an Australian Bishop who lived in Fowlers Road was very big and wore outsize hats which accentuated her size and finally the Headmaster , Mr. E.J. Russ .
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