Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [prep] [det] than [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had a bite on the top of my head for more than a month .
2 But just let the poor little woman open her legs to more than the statutory one , and she 's cheap , a woman of easy virtue , a social outcast .
3 A breathless , pervasive sense of heat possessed her body at every return of the memory and she was unable to remain settled and at ease in her seat for more than a few minutes at a time .
4 This book has concentrated on the political and social values of Africa today , and traced their evolution over more than a century .
5 For a day and a night the feasting on the horse filled everyone in the enclave with a dreadful exultation , but gradually it died down as the garrison came to realize that one horse was hardly enough to stay their hunger for more than a few hours .
6 In some cases this is apparently not as arduous a task as it may seem , simply because dischargers find it extremely difficult to portray themselves as ‘ similar ’ to their rivals on more than a very few criteria .
7 From her days as a newsreader on ITN through to Breakfast Time with Frank Bough and more recently The Clothes Show and BSkyB News , Selina 's cool aloofness has tantalised her audience for more than a decade .
8 One woman with this problem , whose rather self-absorbed elderly mother used to keep her on the telephone for hours with doom-laden conversations , solved it by telling her that she had developed migraine which was always triggered off by holding a phone to her ear for more than a quarter of an hour at a time !
9 He was responding to an observation made by planning chief , Mr Ross Chisholm , who said parked buses often ran their engines for more than the permitted two minutes .
10 Forty-five per cent of their votes went to Faulkner which ensured his election with more than a quota of votes as fifth member .
11 But his wife was always his chief protector — he did not like her to leave his side for more than a day .
12 Every year we buy his work for more than the year before and every year we sell for more than the year before 1991 being no exception .
13 We were due at Chauk , an old field town , next day and Captain Tizzard advised me to take Rachel to the hospital there , but warned me that he could not delay his sailing for more than a few hours .
14 Indeed , the Colonel saw no reason to answer his wife with more than an equivocal smile .
15 In his darker moments Rincewind had come up with his own explanation as to why even minor spells refused to stay in his head for more than a few seconds .
16 It was noted that Stefan did not play with his toys for more than a few seconds before leaving them , so she was advised to reward him for playing longer ( so that he would have less time for wandering out of the house ) .
17 In 1985 , a primary school headmaster in Cornwall was found , in an inquiry published by the County Council , to have been sexually molesting his pupils for more than a decade .
18 She 'd been in his company for less than a minute , and already they were sparring .
19 gon na take forty five percent of our business at less than the cost to do the job , that do n't make good business sense .
20 ‘ The barrow now belongs to you , so never let it or the pitch out of your sight for more than a few hours at a time . ’
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