Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [verb] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But I 'm also a Raider and I do n't believe the colour of my skin entered into this decision . ’
2 When I opened my mouth to speak on this topic it was as though my lips were sewn together with great stitches in the flesh , and my tongue would not move in my mouth .
3 ‘ Apparently after Naylor had spent hours checking around my old haunts without success , he finally got lucky when someone recalled having many times seen my car parked outside this block of flats .
4 What was all the pain in my eyes compared to this misery ? …
5 I take leave to assume that none of my readers belong to this scapegrace company , but wish to cherish their possessions .
6 So Mr Mayor , for completely different reasons than the council have er I will be urging my group to vote against this amendment and to support a subsequent amendment which will take the budget down even further .
7 My imagination faltered at this point ; but I lingered over it , returning over and over again to the discovery of my heroine 's and my own female body , and the male contemplation of it .
8 Suddenly my visitor launched into this harangue :
9 As it happened , my father had around this time come to the end of his distinguished service at Loughborough House with the death of his employer , Mr John Silvers , and had been at something of a loss for work and accommodation .
10 ‘ I feel proud that my father came from this city , ’ she said slowly .
11 What my father felt about this conjunction I can only guess .
12 First , I told the Cabinet Office I was not prepared to have my paper discussed with this division outstanding .
13 Erm , both erm experts are to give evidence before and my Lord included in this bundle with their reports are the documents to which either one or both of these experts have in guard when preparing their reports .
14 ‘ Prime Minister , let my men deal with this problem .
15 My forebears came from this valley , ’ said Lydia .
16 My son took to this dormitory life with all the fervour of a new convert — hoarding food ( it tastes better after lights out ) ; waking at dawn to pull on whoever 's clothes came to hand .
17 ‘ I 've been biding my time waiting for this Ulster call , and was delighted when John Clarke gave me the nod , ’ he said .
18 ‘ If introduced , it would be a boost right through the industry , particularly to breeders who can hopefully keep their operations going in this country .
19 Their remuneration comes from this position and takes the form of profits or high salaries and bonuses tied to profitability , so that their financial reward is linked very closely to the success of the firm .
20 Her sister thinks of this pain all day and night and says it is the worst part and I think it is , worse even than how it is to end .
21 Canada , with which Newfoundland had by this time merged , duly requested and consented ; Australia , New Zealand and South Africa merely ‘ assented ’ .
22 The company has absolute proof that none of their products fall into this category , because their chilling process is unique and has in-built safety checks to ensure against this kind of eventuality .
23 Many people are struggling to get their hunters fit at this time of the year .
24 The reputation for energy and honesty which Truman gained from this work helped him win the nomination for the vice-presidency in the 1944 election , after more prominent candidates had cancelled each other out .
25 The Historic Buildings Council was unable to increase its grant to pay for this work and it was only because of the intervention of the chairman of the planning committee that an exceptional grant to cover the extra cost was obtained from Southwark Council .
26 Bodies which were buried with their legs bent in this way are termed crouched inhumations .
27 She marvelled at this phenomenon , but was humbly grateful that her mind worked in this way .
28 Faecal occult blood testing was not used as an entry criteria nor was its usefulness assessed during this study as the investigations to locate a possible source of bleeding would have been pursued even if faecal occult blood tests had been negative .
29 I wish him and his friends no evil , ’ said Bishop Jon , shaking down his book-satchel and peering into it , ‘ but it 's a difficult thing to make plans for your country with them sitting there , their heads switching from this shoulder to the other , and so sleek you would think it was a cow that licked them all .
30 Her glance slid from this face to the other and she found herself observed by pale eyes set in bloated white flesh .
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