Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Q I am getting married in the spring and am planning to have my hair permed nearer the time when it is longer .
2 Erm I would like to remind you of my objectives quoted at the time in th in the quality manual .
3 A teacher has only to say : " Now which of you girls did — " and my spots merge for a time into the scarlet background provided for them by the rest of my face .
4 My nightmares returned at a time when everything was crowding in on me and I could n't cope .
5 ‘ Respect for the individual ’ still drives personnel policies , but its manifestations move with the times .
6 ‘ Both my parents are high achievers , And my two sisters had their futures planned by the time they were ten .
7 Unfortunately one was having its innards repaired at the time and another gave up the ghost after operating for all of a second .
8 The first two are necessarily variables , in that their meaning depends on the time and circumstance in which they are used ; ‘ style ’ , however , can be defined as possessing a constant and specific property .
9 Erm that somehow coping strategies which people developed at the time are counter-productive when they when they 're a bit older , so that 's the general erm er kind of of impetus behind that .
10 Nationalism was , is and will be : it is , as Tom Nairn put it , the Janus-face looking at once forward to liberation and progress and backward to reactionary and often mythical notions of the past ; it is a force which should never be identified with the nation-state , a concept which nationalism has for a time inhabited , as a hermit crab inhabits a shell , but is evidently beginning to evacuate as the sovereign nation-state shows clear sign of obsolescence .
11 Unfortunately , the lifts are specified and their operation determined at the time of construction .
12 Next in the expanding network is Lenin Strasse with assorted communist theoreticians and luminaries awarded a street closer to or further from the centre , depending on how high their star stood at the time .
13 Now , like all revolutionaries , its earliest protagonists possessed a certain prophetic fervour and the time when this fervour was at its height coincided with a time when , following independence , aid to Africa had been vastly increased , with the usual mixed motives .
14 Activity was such that the Ladies resumed sending their golf reports to The Times , Sporting Life and Gentlewoman and the Standard warned of the early re-introduction of the entrance fee .
15 Both Willibrord , English apostle to the Frisians , and Wynfrith , were consecrated bishop by the pope in Rome and were given the names of Roman martyrs whose feasts fell around the time of their consecration : Willibrord Clement and Wynfrith Boniface .
16 His story begins at a time when , as at other times in this century , the patriciate , and the merely rich , had slipped down into marked collusion with the smart , with upstarts and bohemians .
17 His moment came at a time when shoring up the old seemed all that mattered or all that anyone could think of .
18 His departure comes at a time when GEC Ferranti is enjoying considerable success in securing major contracts in the face of stiff international competition .
19 Joyce had remained consistent to his promise given at the time of the publication of National Socialism Now two years earlier .
20 His death came at a time when the movement was split over whether to join in the negotiations or to maintain its principles and risk being marginalized .
21 This cloak was the principal relic of the west Frankish kings of Neustria , and wherever the Neustrian kings were , it went with them to adorn whatever building became for the time being the royal chapel .
22 I wonder if any of your readers noticed in The Times of 10 March how Lord Armstrong of Ilminster of the Victoria and Albert Museum 's Trustees , quite casually assumed that the independence of our national museums had already been similarly compromised ?
23 Q : What were you and your husband doing at the time ?
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