Example sentences of "[prep] them [verb] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are jokes even now when I go in the market about them glowing in the dark . ’
2 But there are only limited facilites for them stay in the children 's ward to be near their daughter .
3 And they used to catch pheasants and er I had to clean I had to pluck these pheasants and er birds and get them ready and ready for them to put in the oven .
4 And I used to get them ready for them to put in the oven or fry it .
5 He argued that the kinds of jobs which young people eventually did were determined not so much by the development of their inner drives , as by the structure of opportunities by which they were surrounded — the kinds of jobs which were available for them to do in the labour market .
6 Jonadab had already hired a new third lad , or ‘ thoddy ’ as they were known , and there was little more for them to do in the town : neither was interested in the attractions of sideshows or stalls .
7 It can also in effect make it impossible for them to participate in the community and thus deprives them of an important aspect of citizenship .
8 You 'd think it would be totally alien for them to go in the water like that .
9 ‘ The children do not have much mobility and it can be dangerous for them to ride in the rain . ’
10 It took his appearance and speech on 30 September 1942 to dispel such rumours , only for them to recur in the winter of 1942–3 and especially after the Stalingrad disaster .
11 King described it as ‘ a phenomenal card ’ but really it was an opportunity to promote a war of words between two of the fighters , Chavez and Norris , to build up anticipation and demand for them to meet in the ring .
12 For this the British and French between them lost in the region of 600,000 men ; the Germans more than 440,000 .
13 The twins go to school at 8.45 , and I leave just after them to work in the library . ’
14 Most of them died in the onslaught which followed , their historic city completely destroyed .
15 A brief account of them occurs in the memoirs of William Tuckwell .
16 He 'd caught a glimpse of the two of them reflected in the hall mirror and his heart had lurched because it looked as if he was propping up a corpse .
17 He came back to school after Christmas with 4 of them stuffed in the back of his mini and it just went from there .
18 Already their father had given an indication of his deep displeasure by ordering all three of them to remain in the room throughout the ceremony .
19 It also times the transfer of its eggs extremely carefully so that most of them hatch in the hosts ' nests at exactly the right time .
20 Nearly all of them lay in the Ruhr and Silesia ; those in the latter area were to become more and more important because of the ease with which they could be worked and the quality of Lower Silesian coking coal .
21 Some of them swimming in the sea and whatnot .
22 The charges focused on events at Lurigancho prison , where 124 inmates died — 89 of them shot in the head — after they had surrendered , according to an investigation by Peru 's Congress .
23 A recent review by Berk ( 1986 ) identified 38 methods , most of them developed in the USA during the 1970s .
24 It was just the two of them left in the pub .
25 It was as though everyone else in the little hall — Mr Sands , the curious spectators , Havvie 's party — did not exist — only the three of them left in the world .
26 There were three of them seated in the wardroom , Talbot , Van Gelder and Grierson .
27 On the positive side , fluoridation continues to provide substantial benefits for the dental health of six million people , many of them living in the west midlands and the north east of England .
28 With this in mind , Mr Suharto has encouraged the formation of the Indonesian Association of Muslim Intellectuals , a group of thinkers , many of them educated in the West and several of them cabinet ministers .
29 One of them sat in the back — again — and made me follow the Escort , but at least this time they were plainclothes men not uniformed , so my street cred did n't suffer .
30 The four of them sat in the sun , Lindsey mostly listening , but happily so , sipping at her lemonade .
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