Example sentences of "[prep] some [noun pl] of [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You 're talking about some forms of abuse which went on for a very very long time indeed to pull the average up like that .
2 Write about some features of presentation which are used to achieve identifiable purposes , such as to inform , to regulate , to reassure or to persuade , in non-literary and media texts , showing some ability to form a considered opinion — eg when comparing two reports of the same event .
3 Just to kind of get a feel of that importance , erm let's think about some categories of communication which we may not use verbal channels for very much , okay ?
4 For some languages of expressions it will be possible in general to decide these facts ( though perhaps not very efficiently ) , and in any reasonable language thee should be wide classes of pairs of expressions whose equivalence is decidable .
5 Because income support was introduced at a time when there would otherwise have been an increase in supplementary benefits , and because transitional protection has been provided for some groups of claimants who have been transferred to income support , the Government claims that relatively few people suffered an actual cut in benefit in April 1988 .
6 Instead they enter college wedded through their own experience to an implicit theory of schooling and teaching that will serve as a working template for some groups of pupils they teach , but which will be wildly inappropriate for others .
7 It is possible to sequence learning in interdisciplinary contexts , but for some kinds of content-sequence it is undoubtedly much easier to keep a steady eye on the subject .
8 For some types of work your District Council may expect you to apply for a grant as a tenant .
9 Meanwhile , we may go back to the situation in 1072 , and begin with some words of Lanfranc which provide the main evidence for the documents which existed at this date .
10 Although deep-freezing has revolutionised the way food is preserved , with some kinds of fish I still prefer the old method of salting and sun drying .
11 From some points of view it does not really matter whether these fragments originated as invading parasites or breakaway rebels .
12 From some points of view it is clearly a human creation .
13 In some cases of damage it might be wise to ascertain whether or not there was any similar damage prior to the accident .
14 In some cases of urgency he can introduce regulations with a shelf life of up to 12 months without consultation ( s11(5) ) .
15 In some areas of work there is an overlap in functions and in other gaps exist .
16 First , in some areas of activity there may be no competition , or even no potential competition .
17 In some areas of science we want to ask questions about phenomena of which children already have experience .
18 In some sectors of manufacturing there has been almost a reluctance to change .
19 The second goal is to make the school resemble more closely the sod of place within which the teacher would like to teach … this second goal can become of considerable importance , and in some situations of conflict it can become more important than the first .
20 It showed itself at the turn of the century in a rash of gang fights , stabbings and street robberies , and in some parts of London there were excited rumours of youthful gangs armed with guns .
21 It appears that cases of poisoning in the United Kingdom from this form of lead are as statistically significant as were those involving lead fishing weights , and in some parts of Europe there is increasing concern .
22 ‘ In fact , Jason reminds people of Ellery so much that in some parts of Yorkshire they refer to him as Black Pearl II .
23 This classic Provençal sauce is traditionally served with poached or boiled fish although in some parts of Provence it makes an unusual but excellent accompaniment to roast or grilled lamb .
24 Colours also may get distorted as the eye lens gets yellower with age ; in some pictures of Mulready he believed he could demonstrate this defect .
25 You could take home just a few to cut open and look for the young larva or larvae , as in some types of gall there is always more than one larva , each in its own separate section .
26 These figures were produced in support of the employers ' position in the course of a bitter wage dispute ; the weavers claimed that on some types of cloth they could hardly make 4d ( 2p ) a day .
27 This new column by AI 's Urgent Action co-ordinator reports on some aspects of UAs which show they are working .
28 The second task was to stand on some planks of wood which had been set out in a hexagon .
29 Out of this , we can arrive perhaps at some principles of practice which can be seen to be both compatible with normalisation ( in our preferred sense ) and supportive of self-advocacy .
30 They receive no extra remuneration whatsoever for their duties although at some times of course it can be quite dangerous .
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