Example sentences of "[prep] what [verb] [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Above all , how could he have the nerve to come here after what had happened the other night ?
2 After what had happened the previous evening exquisite delicacy had seemed uncalled for .
3 The kinship systems of Australian aborigines , Pacific islanders and Iroquois Indians , which the ancestors of modern social anthropology like Lewis Morgan(1818–81) now began to study seriously — though the subject was still primarily studied in the library rather than in the field — were seen as ‘ survivals ’ of earlier stages in the evolution of what had become the nineteenth-century family .
4 She awoke with her body lazily relaxed , only slight soreness to remind her of what had happened the previous night .
5 It 's part of what 's called the local group of galaxies which contains about thirty galaxies .
6 Amongst the most important of these carefully plotted works are : de Falla 's The Three-Cornered Hat ( 1919 ) which originally accompanied a mime play and so fascinated Diaghilev that he commissioned the composer to enlarge it for Massine 's ballet ( see page 59 ) ; Vaughan William 's Job , commissioned by Diaghilev , was unused until de Valois created her important ‘ Masque for Dancing ’ ( 1931 ) ( this marked the inaugural performance of what has become The Royal Ballet ) ; Arthur Bliss ' Checkmate ( 1937 ) was choreographed by de Valois after both composer and choreographer had worked on the plot ; Prokofiev 's Romeo and Juliet was composed with the help of a Shakespearean theatre expert and has been used notably by Lavrovsky , Ashton and MacMillan ( see page 26 ) ; and Ashton provided a roughly outlined plot for Hans Werner Henze 's score for Ondine ( 1958 ) .
7 Erm , unemployment in Shropshire , Chair , erm , a round-up of the figures which are traditionally given there in para two one , I do n't remember , under travel to work areas , under what 's called the narrow base .
8 With the establishment of colonies as opposed to trading posts , came the need for production and exports over and above what had sustained the earlier economic relationships between the West and the tropics .
9 He has become a target for abuse — and powerful sponsors who back the team with around £20-£25million a year want a say in what has become the greatest sports outcry of all time .
10 It took a moment or two to realise he had freed her from what had seemed the inevitable consequences , but she was still suspicious as , with wildly beating heart , she traced his steps back along the maze of corridors , back to the relative safety of the main hall .
11 Hitch and Baddeley ( 1978 ) have proposed a model of working memory , developed from what has become the basic modal model in psychology , which gives a focus for our discussion ( fig. 11.1 ) .
12 As far as the reference to the ‘ customary ’ tuning of the 6-string bass , Gibson was referring to what has become the modern standard amongst contemporary players : that is , opting for the low B while keeping the fourths tuning intact across the other five strings .
13 My best man , Alan , has made everything go smoothly , and made his contribution to what has seemed the perfect day .
14 Each of them had his pet theories on what had caused the massive , popular Islamic uprising , and on how the situation should now develop .
15 This has opened the way for what has become the largest excavation of a medieval castle yet in Britain .
16 He was depressed by what had happened the previous night .
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