Example sentences of "[prep] which [vb past] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A little to the east of Ardnave Loch a round house was excavated , the wall of which lay against the edge of a foundation cut in the dune , was skilfully constructed of upright slabs interspersed with thin dry stone panels of water worn pebbles .
2 I travelled the West Somerset from end to end on East Saturday and I attended the ARPS dinner on the Great Central Railway the following weekend , but these events were jollies — the value of which lay in the opportunity of meeting one 's colleagues from other preserved railways and talking with the staff and volunteers of those that we visited .
3 Lord Greene M.R. 's distinction between purpose and relevancy both of which went to the scope of the discretionary power , and his substantive sense of unreasonableness , are said to be less clear and useful expressions of the same idea .
4 A well-loved picture dominates the bar , held in almost religious awe : a photograph of the SS Politician , the vessel which ran aground off Eriskay during the Second World War , cargoed with 20,000 cases of whisky ; not all of which went to the bottom when the boat eventually sank .
5 The licence fee was £71 , all of which went to the BBC .
6 Now , generally speaking wi I I I 've act what I 've done for the re-sit paper is that I I pooled a load of questions , some of which went to the first paper and some of which went to the ne and some of which went to the re-sit paper so I do n't know which topics are coming up erm on the re-sit paper .
7 This force is an amalgam of nine smaller units ( Figure 2 ) , some of which went into the melting pot in 1969 .
8 SWINDON 'S Achilles heel in 1990 — the revelation of which led to the convictions of former chairman Brian Hillier and ex-County Ground accountant Vivien Farrar .
9 The classic instance concerns a Swedish hoard of the eighteenth century from Lohe , the examination of which led to the establishment of the principle ( fig. 28 ) , but much the same can be done for other well-documented periods such as seventeenth-century England .
10 Accusations that one group had stolen ideas from the other were soon flying ; Jones showed notebooks of his investigations going back to 1986 and cited a paper written in 1985 ; for their part Fleischmann and Pons insisted that their effort had begun in 1985 , all of which added to the perception that the fusion claims were important and the patents worth fighting for .
11 The orbs themselves were bulging in sunken sockets , criss-crossed by hundreds of tiny red veins , each one of which looked on the point of bursting .
12 ‘ The Home Office has funded various research projects , one of which looked at the effect of murder on the victims ’ families ; this has enabled local schemes to help victims of the most serious crime .
13 The Business Information Unit continued to distribute regular publications such as Pointer and Europointer and during 1989/90 , 610 enquiries were processed , many of which related to the Council 's Scottish Production Industries Register ( SPIR ) .
14 The Business Information Unit continued to distribute regular publications such as Pointer and during 1990/91 , 605 enquiries were processed , many of which related to the Council 's Scottish Production Industries Register ( SPIR ) .
15 The move brought into the open the so-called " Saddamgate " scandal , the rumbling allegations of which centred upon the charge that the Bush government had concealed that extent of its illegal support for Saddam Hussein prior to August 1990 .
16 A similarly defensive approach characterized the campaigns of the right-wing Democratic Socialist Party ( DSP ) and Komeito ( Clean Government Party ) , both of which suffered from the legacy of having had their leaders resign in 1989 ( in February and May respectively ) in connection with the Recruit scandal [ see pp. 36464 ; 36654 ] .
17 It was part of the contents of a unique toy museum in Buckinghamshire most of which came under the hammer today .
18 Turnover increased 66.7% to £11.2m , some £8m of which came from the US company .
19 On 24 January he identified six new species of birds of prey — two of which came from the Galapagos .
20 In 1983 Spain 's indigenous oil production almost doubled to nearly 3 million tonnes , most of which came from the Casablanca field ; however , there is no potential for Spain to be a significant domestic producer .
21 It would be a mistake , however , to dismiss this aspect of the Liberal reform programme as being of no legislative or historical significance , at least in so far as the preceding details have revealed that the different schemes were the result of much thought and argument on the part of a number of interest groups , each of which cared about the transition process , believing it to be critical for the economic and moral welfare of working-class youth .
22 These factors , together with the narrowness of the LDP 's victory in Aichi ( the combined vote of the Japan Socialist Party and the Japan Communist Party — both of which campaigned against the bill — comfortably exceeded that of the winning candidate ) persuaded Kaifu to withdraw the bill on Nov. 7 .
23 The Survey was conducted on seven selected days between 16 August and 9 September 1981 , all but one of which fell within the period of the Edinburgh International Festival .
24 There were two stern clocks on the walls — neither of which agreed with the time according to Rock Hardy — and a set of coloured prints showing dreary desert scenes .
25 Lord Harlech was himself an admirable choice to lead the newcomers but it was unwise and insensitive to use the family name in the title of an ITV station half of which belonged to the West Country .
26 In a report published in May 1990 the human rights organization Amnesty International found that there was evidence of the use of torture and of deaths as a consequence ; it expressed concern over the government 's inaction in investigating torture allegations — the majority of which emanated from the Casamance region — and in implementing adequate safeguards .
27 Mr MacKinlay said he had heard of the existence of a list of services , some of which appeared in The Observer newspaper yesterday .
28 On the other hand , unlike their predecessors , they were not advocates of single causes , such as temperance or even religious instruction , but instead sought to attract members with a varied programme which consciously mixed recreation with education , welfare , and sometimes church attendance , for a variety of reasons all of which rested on the specificity of youth in relation to age and to class .
29 They also accept Labour Court Recommendation 13601 , part of which dealt with the recruitment of staff to cover for Extended Opening Hours .
30 History relates that it all began when Hahnemann was translating a treatise on materia medica written by the Scottish physician Dr William Cullen , a section of which dealt with the use of cinchona bark ( otherwise known as Peruvian bark ) from which we obtain quinine to treat malaria .
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