Example sentences of "[prep] which [pron] had been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 It dealt with something about which I had been writing to Social Security Ministers for about six months — abuse of the benefit-in-kind regulations , whereby highly paid people were paying themselves in gilt unit trusts .
2 By the end of 1941 it looked as though the Communists and their supporters had established the monopoly over the Left for which they had been striving since their foundation .
3 The mood of the Parisians , when they heard the news for which they had been waiting so long , was recorded by a young Welshman living in a rented room on the Ile de la Cité .
4 Other European countries said that the new British Government would be positive and co-operative and would put forward proposals for bringing about the completion of the European Community , for which they had been working for the past 40 years .
5 I felt that perhaps here , at last , was the way into the treatment of genetic disorders for which I had been searching .
6 When I was eighteen I came in contact with the Catholic Crusade which was a rather left wing Christian Socialist Organization and I found that their attitude to problems contained the answers for which I had been searching for a good many years tell me when you want me to raise something .
7 The National Front , also , has failed to make the breakthrough for which it had been hoping .
8 The garden city lobby alleged that the vested interests of London had worked against a decentralist approach , for which it had been striving for many years , and F.J. Osborn acknowledged in correspondence with Lewis Mumford that the Plan was a bitter disappointment to him and the Town and Country Planning Association ( TCPA ) :
9 By the next dawn Isambard had the news for which he had been waiting ; and the following night he put two parties across the Severn , one upstream from them and one down , and converged upon their hiding-place from either end of the ridge .
10 Dr Kemp himself ! — the man who had one day been deprived of a jewel which he himself had traced to an American collector , a jewel for which he had been negotiating , a jewel that had been found in the waters below the bridge at Wolvercote in 1873 , a jewel which once united with its mate would doubtless be the subject of some considerable historical interest , and bring some short-term celebrity , possibly some long-term preferment , to himself — to Kemp .
11 In the darkness , under cover of which they had been kissing cuddling so much ( with his hand inside her blouse ) that she had not the first idea what the film was about , he took her hand and guided it down to his lap .
12 Of which she had been doing as Liz left the car .
13 ‘ You 've done quite well , ’ Arlene conceded , keeping to herself the growing excitement with which she had been watching Paula over the past weeks .
14 Harry put down the hairbrush with which he had been trying to smooth his unruly curls , and turned to face Madeleine 's brother .
15 After two pitches I suffered one of those inexplicable aberrations and instead of following the blatantly curving crack into which we had been cramming our limbs for the last 60ft I launched up an unerringly straight vertical groove above the belay .
16 Anna picked up the saucepan into which she had been putting potatoes and transferred it to the stove .
17 As the sun came up and he was able to make out the grassy track along which he had been striding through the night he realised that once again he had missed the verderers , that there were no fresh hoof-marks .
18 The servant banished the dogs and threw logs into the great tiled stove before which we had been sitting .
19 Mr Hall said Miss Scott had explained she did not give notification of her mother 's death because she was afraid the authorities would discover the conditions in which they had been living .
20 Her East Coast American accent deceived most people , it was so like , and yet in some ways so unlike , that of the society in which she had been living for the last six months .
21 We had agreed at the start of this thing that pressing the Harwich local council for housing would probably be more trouble than it was worth : if one of their inspectors had decided to check my circumstances with the port authorities , the customs people would inevitably have found out about the way in which I had been using their cupboard ( and would have had a pink fit , probably ) .
22 Intending to be a priest of the Church of England , I lost my faith , slowly but painfully , and at the end of the summer left Oxford and the house in Norham Gardens in which I had been living for two years and in which , by a curious turn of fortune , my office now is .
23 Wheeler motioned him to an easy chair and made to put away the handsome leatherbound notebook in which he had been writing .
24 She had just come away from yet another meeting in which he had been waxing expansive about what he could do with her business .
25 A figure moved across from the dark corner in which he had been having an earnest conversation with a black boy , and sat down next to her .
26 This understanding went on to form the basis for his ensuing therapy , involving both visualization and counselling , which proved highly successful and relieved poor Barry of the symptoms from which he had been suffering .
27 Others have progressed rapidly in the beginning , only to experience considerable difficulty in overcoming the final hurdle — almost as though the mind was loath to give up a fear to which it had been clinging for years .
28 Not long afterwards the protesters also dispersed , obeying the order of the chief steward to take with them the newspapers on which they had been sitting .
29 In a moment he had gripped her hand in his and was pulling her away from the bale on which she had been resting .
30 She felt as though someone had pushed her off the pleasant , grassy path on which she had been walking , and down a vast , black cliff-face .
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