Example sentences of "[prep] which [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the years of the American wars Faden came to prominence with maps and atlases of considerable historical note , some of the materials for which survive in the Library of Congress .
2 Objective a ) requires the provision of information resources to underpin the research effort , and implicitly provides for our function as a publisher ; b ) explicitly mentions the library and the archive collection ; c ) implies the efficient curation of information , and the granting of access to the resources ; d ) specifies our enquiry , consultancy and educational functions , all of which have a high information content ; e ) demands the use of expertise and data for the provision of specialist services , and f ) relates to our public amenity function , and sets out the purposes for which access to the amenity is provided .
3 Recognition that there are areas to be catered for which lie outside the subject departments and need to be kept outside the distribution mechanism , for example , administration , library , orchestra etc .
4 A little to the east of Ardnave Loch a round house was excavated , the wall of which lay against the edge of a foundation cut in the dune , was skilfully constructed of upright slabs interspersed with thin dry stone panels of water worn pebbles .
5 I travelled the West Somerset from end to end on East Saturday and I attended the ARPS dinner on the Great Central Railway the following weekend , but these events were jollies — the value of which lay in the opportunity of meeting one 's colleagues from other preserved railways and talking with the staff and volunteers of those that we visited .
6 There was a Gilbertine priory here ( the only purely English monastic order ) , traces of which survive at the south end of the village .
7 Lord Greene M.R. 's distinction between purpose and relevancy both of which went to the scope of the discretionary power , and his substantive sense of unreasonableness , are said to be less clear and useful expressions of the same idea .
8 A well-loved picture dominates the bar , held in almost religious awe : a photograph of the SS Politician , the vessel which ran aground off Eriskay during the Second World War , cargoed with 20,000 cases of whisky ; not all of which went to the bottom when the boat eventually sank .
9 The licence fee was £71 , all of which went to the BBC .
10 Now , generally speaking wi I I I 've act what I 've done for the re-sit paper is that I I pooled a load of questions , some of which went to the first paper and some of which went to the ne and some of which went to the re-sit paper so I do n't know which topics are coming up erm on the re-sit paper .
11 This force is an amalgam of nine smaller units ( Figure 2 ) , some of which went into the melting pot in 1969 .
12 The result is an argument organized in three categories , all of which connect in the idea that sporting superiority is racially linked .
13 SWINDON 'S Achilles heel in 1990 — the revelation of which led to the convictions of former chairman Brian Hillier and ex-County Ground accountant Vivien Farrar .
14 The classic instance concerns a Swedish hoard of the eighteenth century from Lohe , the examination of which led to the establishment of the principle ( fig. 28 ) , but much the same can be done for other well-documented periods such as seventeenth-century England .
15 Accusations that one group had stolen ideas from the other were soon flying ; Jones showed notebooks of his investigations going back to 1986 and cited a paper written in 1985 ; for their part Fleischmann and Pons insisted that their effort had begun in 1985 , all of which added to the perception that the fusion claims were important and the patents worth fighting for .
16 One of the sherds ( fig. 14.33c ) appears to be an arm with the skin of the Nemean lion draped over the shoulder and another sherd ( fig. 14.33b ) shows a hand holding a staff or rod being thrust into a creature only the head of which survives on the sherd .
17 In this analysis er , if you set aside the effect of our sale of Elsivir er , the variance was forty nine million seventy percent of which relates to the U K. The drop in profits from our newspapers was the biggest and probably the most widely expected a substantial proportion of their costs are fixed and , er , they therefore are particularly sensitive to , er changes in volume .
18 Ta'kwanya and ta'kwakomenae are the two components , or forces , of ta'kwaru , ‘ the life of thoughts ’ , both of which come from the crystal boxes of the gods .
19 The orbs themselves were bulging in sunken sockets , criss-crossed by hundreds of tiny red veins , each one of which looked on the point of bursting .
20 ‘ The Home Office has funded various research projects , one of which looked at the effect of murder on the victims ’ families ; this has enabled local schemes to help victims of the most serious crime .
21 The Business Information Unit continued to distribute regular publications such as Pointer and Europointer and during 1989/90 , 610 enquiries were processed , many of which related to the Council 's Scottish Production Industries Register ( SPIR ) .
22 The Business Information Unit continued to distribute regular publications such as Pointer and during 1990/91 , 605 enquiries were processed , many of which related to the Council 's Scottish Production Industries Register ( SPIR ) .
23 Another avid audience is made up of the enzymes which add phosphate groups to proteins , some of which help in the production of impulses .
24 Alternatives to B's " yeah " might be : " I know " , " I know what you mean " , " Exactly " , " I sure do " , etc. — all of which respond to the question form of A's " you know what I mean ? "
25 In the west it is heavily dissected by the Ribeira da Janela and the Ribeira do Seixal , both of which flow to the north coast .
26 Through binoculars we recognised shoveler , teal , pochard and tufted duck , all of which breed in the pools .
27 Building Regulations contain strict fire prevention regulations , some of which refer to the treatment of surfaces to prevent fire spreading too rapidly .
28 As such it is located between geography and soil science , which Bridges visualizes as concerned more with the biology , chemistry and physics of soil all of which converge on the study of soil fertility and crop production .
29 The move brought into the open the so-called " Saddamgate " scandal , the rumbling allegations of which centred upon the charge that the Bush government had concealed that extent of its illegal support for Saddam Hussein prior to August 1990 .
30 Good health is a combination of many factors , most of which reside within the individual .
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