Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This project was the first to be overseen by the new Clerk to the Governors , Mr. T. R. Ellis , an Old Stopfordian who had been appointed when the previous Clerk retired in 1942 .
2 Mr Lawrie said the recommendation that he should pay a sum to the council to be fixed by the Scottish Secretary is unreasonable .
3 Her work also began to be recognized by the male-dominated science community , although attempts to join their establishments did not go unopposed .
4 Parts of R.5 are rules to be observed by the recognised body itself ; other parts are rules to be observed by the individual shareholders .
5 Parts of R.5 are rules to be observed by the recognised body itself ; other parts are rules to be observed by the individual shareholders .
6 THE FIRST national index of ‘ grasses ’ is to be compiled by the National Criminal Intelligence Service which went into operation last week .
7 This callousness was repeated later when she cruelly promoted the young Krishnamurti as the new ‘ Lord Maitreya ’ , allowing him first to be abused by the theosophical pederast Charles Leadbeater and later sent to Harrow .
8 In particular , the European Court did not answer the second question posed for its consideration by this House , which was concerned with the criteria to be applied by the national court in deciding whether or not to grant interim protection of the rights claimed .
9 They were Jonathan 's children , sleeping in the workhouse , waiting to be killed by the tragic compulsion of their father .
10 At the meeting , Luigi Zanda , a leading Italian campaigner for Venice and President of the Consorzio Venezia Nuova , made a plea , published here in place of the usual editorial ( see p.1 ) , for the future of Venice to be treated by the Italian government with a new sense of responsibility and morality free from the political factionism which stalemates so much of the country 's public life .
11 The only person there not doing this is the cat-hater , who looks away and keeps very still , trying to be ignored by the feared animal .
12 The intention was for them to be escorted by the combined fleets from Brest and Toulon and the combination of the two , to outnumber any force likely to be brought against them , was a vital part of the French plan .
13 Most of these claims were to be heard by the International Arbitral Tribunal ( the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal ) to be set up under Article 2 of the Agreement .
14 Afterwards he will raise his voice and holler loud enough to be heard by the whole roomful of guests milling around chatting , perhaps talking excitedly with drinks in their hands , ‘ LADIES and GENTLEMEN !
15 ‘ Following the failure of the stabiliser rear spar top chord , the structure could not sustain the flight loads imposed upon it long enough to enable the failure to be detected by the then existing inspection schedule .
16 A cuckoo 's egg is conspicuously larger than the host 's eggs to our eyes but the egg is sufficiently similar in pattern and colour not to be detected by the foster parents .
17 It had to be cast by the unsuitable technique of melting the metal in separate crucibles .
18 Care proceedings can only follow , however , at the instigation of the local authority or the NSPCC. ( b ) The child protection register Each area covered by a social services authority must have a child protection register to be maintained by the social services department .
19 But he said he reckoned they probably shot a bit wide , and anyway the officers would see that they tried , and it was better to be shot by the other side rather than your own .
20 He was sent back to be shot by the Red Army . ’
21 All the other decisions that were taken were bound to be opposed by the local community , the local youth and community staff and so on .
22 The order has to be deposited by the due date , and , as I mentioned , there are two dates involved ( in November and March ) .
23 Cut off from the Reich by the Polish Corridor these people felt themselves to be German and to be threatened by the new Polish state .
24 And they provide , also , for costs to be taxed by the taxing masters .
25 However , during the late seventies and early eighties the Canary Islands in general and Gran Canaria in particular began to be spoilt by the indiscriminate exploitation of the big tour operators ( encouraged by local speculators ) .
26 I do so want you to learn , my dear , ’ and , turning away , she half whispered , ‘ There is so much pleasure , so much pleasure to be gained by the informed . ’
27 But on 30 October the regents once more affirmed the rights of the Crown : they ordered Hugh de Neville , the Chief Justice of the Forest , to cause the royal forests to be kept by the same metes and bounds as they had been in the time of King John before the war between him and his barons .
28 In nine counties the forests were ordered to be kept by the same bounds as before the war between King John and his barons ; on 27 October 1228 the juries who had made the perambulations of the Yorkshire forests of Galtres and Farndale , and the forest between Ouse and Derwent , obediently amended their verdicts .
29 The Jewish community continued to be led by the Chief Rabbi , as it had been under the Byzantine emperors .
30 In software particularly , exports will have to be led by the domestic market . ’
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