Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] by the end " in BNC.

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1 The US Senate on Sept. 9 voted by 63 to 34 to continue with the development of the Freedom space station , expected to be constructed by the end of the century at a currently predicted cost of US$40,000 million .
2 All must accept that if a deal is to be struck by the end of this year , negotiation will have to begin in earnest much earlier , preferably during the next two months .
3 Homes at Stanley , Chester-le-Street , Durham , Station Town , Newton Aycliffe and Darlington are also due to be lost by the end of the year saving the council £2.5m .
4 Its report to NASA and the White House on the future of the US space programme put life sciences at the top of the list of experiments for the US space station to be built by the end of the century .
5 He remembers that work on the new school building had to be completed by the end of August since the hop kilns were needed in September .
6 The sale is expected to be completed by the end of March .
7 A second shake-up , an unusually extensive rotation of regional commanders and troops from all seven of China 's military regions , was due to be completed by the end of April .
8 The work is currently in a review process , expected to be completed by the end of the year .
9 A strict timetable was to be adhered to whereby reorganization was to be completed by the end of 1974 .
10 The restoration of the interior stonework is expected to be completed by the end of next year .
11 The Newtownards based project , to be completed by the end of this year , will include an audio visual theatre , a reconstruction of Great War trenches and two exhibition halls .
12 However the timescale for contributing to planning and design features has been shortened drastically , and in fact most of that detailed work has to be completed by the end of this month .
13 The process had to be completed by the end of May so that our agents could ensure that cancellations took effect from the earliest possible date .
14 Software integrity has been addressed by the phased installation of anti-virus software on all PCs , scheduled to be completed by the end of 1992 .
15 The first phase of the project , to supply Benghazi , was due to be completed by the end of 1991 .
16 The Group of Seven offered immediate " technical assistance " to help the Soviet Union move to a market economy , and agreed to commission the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) to undertake a study ( to be completed by the end of 1990 ) on the Soviet economy and to make recommendations on direct financial aid .
17 At a summit meeting in June US President Bush and Soviet President Gorbachev formally confirmed that a START treaty , which they expected to be completed by the end of 1990 , would be based on a 30 per cent overall cut in long-range nuclear missiles over a seven-year period .
18 A project to clean up the Ganges which had started in 1985 had so far cost US$115 million and was due to be completed by the end of 1991 .
19 He urged the EC to end agricultural export subsidies which damaged Argentinian producers , and called on European firms to become involved in the current privatization programme due to be completed by the end of 1992 [ see p. 38572 ] .
20 The Council of Representatives announced on March 20 that local elections were scheduled to be completed by the end of the first week of June 1992 , with the preparatory elections concluded before April 22 [ for December 1991 decrees on regions see p. 38660 ] .
21 Following talks on Sept. 9-14 between a Cuban government delegation and the ambassador for special affairs at the Russian Foreign Ministry , Viacheslav Aleksandr Ustinov , and Gen. Andrei Nicolayev , commander of the 3,000-strong former Soviet military training brigade stationed in Cuba , it was announced on Sept. 16 that both sides had agreed to the withdrawal of the troops ( now part of Russian forces ) in stages , to be completed by the end of June 1993 .
22 On Oct. 28 the last Russian combat unit stationed in Poland left the country , although 6,000 Russian non-combat troops remained to co-ordinate the withdrawal of Russian troops from eastern Germany through Poland , due to be completed by the end of 1994 .
23 The first stage of the Supply Chain Project which is due to be completed by the end of this month is aimed at developing a blueprint which redesigns the way the business should operate in response to these changes .
24 THE £80,427 refurbishment contract at Llandrindod Wells Museum due to be completed by the end of June , is expected to be extended due to delays with materials .
25 Germany 's particular concern was the 275,000 Soviet troops still stationed there and due to be withdrawn by the end of 1994 .
26 In June Lithuanians had voted overwhelmingly for Russian troops to be withdrawn by the end of 1992 ; Latvia and Estonia had reportedly also made the same demand .
27 you 've got your assignment and it has to be done by the end of the week or the end of the fortnight or
28 I think I can interpret Ken 's request for it to be done by the end of the week as meaning in his hands on Monday morning .
29 Comprehensive agreements on reductions in strategic nuclear arms ( START ) and conventional forces in Europe ( CFE ) , which at the time of the Malta summit had been thought imminent , were not achieved but were expected to be concluded by the end of 1990 .
30 Although it has yet to join the DIA , IBM said it is evaluating AlphaWindows technology and is in ‘ active discussions ’ with a UK company — thought to be Microvitec — about a possible OEM deal to be announced by the end of the year .
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