Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Though we must be careful not to attempt to deny the responsibility which ultimately lies with ourselves , it has to be said that certain employers have done much to encourage these sorts of trends .
2 However , it has to be said that local authorities on the whole frown on totting and many ban it outright so caution is advised .
3 It has to be recognised that syllabic consonants are a problem — they are phonologically different from their non-syllabic counterparts .
4 It has , however , to be recognised that improved safety and greater mobility and accessibility can be conflicting goals ( see opposite ) .
5 It was to be hoped that capitalist progress would eventually bring the labourers nearer to this maximum , and regrettable ( though not inconvenient for keeping wages down ) that so many were still so far below it .
6 It is to be hoped that recent changes within the SDA ( notably its drift towards self-help , business-orientated projects ) will not allow it to lose sight of wider goals in Scotland , where extensive areas of economic decline and outright poverty can still be identified .
7 It is to be hoped that future titles will move on from here and handle some of the visionary , imaginative and fantastic possibilities of fiction also .
8 But this is the penalty all pioneers must suffer , for we all operate within the narrow confines of the knowledge and attitudes of our day , and before condemning us entirely , it is to be hoped that future students will appreciate that their own work would be that much more difficult , but for the solid foundations so meticulously laid down by John Pearson Gillam .
9 It is to be hoped that future research into the nature of language processing will continue to relate findings about the performance of both skilled and impaired language users on the wide range of tasks which go together to make up out ability to acquire and use language — for it is only by attempting to do so that it will ultimately be possible for psychologists to develop a comprehensive model of language processing .
10 One might say that the ‘ candid camera ’ technique used for some television programmes , where people have tricks played on them for the benefit of the viewers , is rather in this mode of observation , though it is to be hoped that social researchers would not encourage people to make fools of themselves in the way television producers do .
11 The runs have captured the imagination of the enthusiasts and it is to be hoped that British Rail will allow these trains to run in 1992 .
12 As part of the background it has to be understood that large numbers of Koreans lived outside their own country and emigration was encouraged by the Japanese , at any rate to Manchuria .
13 Serial composers generally avoid octaves altogether , and it is to be noted that meticulous workers such as Webern always contrive to form unisons when the same note occurs in two parts .
14 While it needs to be emphasised that old age does not automatically mean ill health and dependency , nonetheless there are clear associations between advancing years and increasing ill health and disability .
15 It 's only when women refuse to tow the line , when we renounce the rewards of good behaviour and resist all attempts to be incorporated that true rebellion comes into its own .
16 2.1 It has to be acknowledged that physical restraint implies the use of force , albeit in a non aggressive way .
17 But , it will be objected , these theorists actually regard the status of moral patients as akin to that of slaves , and we would expect also to be reminded that contemporary opinion in the civilised world , despite pockets of resistance , is still largely in agreement with this view .
18 The examples of Denmark or of the other members of the Community may in some respects be encouraging , in others not ; but certainly to look into classrooms beyond the Channel , however superficially , is to be reminded that written curricula and centralised administrations do not have to be unwieldy , dictatorial or reactionary .
19 Most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to be bothered that other people 's freedoms and rights are being infringed , until it happens to them , and then it 's too late . ’
20 Without this " attraction " it was hardly to be expected that rural labour markets could clear themselves through falling wages , since they were already so close to the level of subsistence that a further lowering would have reduced the productivity of labour via its depressing effect on the calorific value of workers ' diets which would no longer have sustained the same work effort .
21 At a time when potential reformers included senior officials and members of the royal family , it was to be expected that educated people outside the government would emerge from the bunker to which they had been relegated in 1848 .
22 To the idealist , the whole world is a manifestation of a rational pattern in the mind of its Creator , and thus it is to be expected that natural forms should reveal a harmony and an underlying unity .
23 If it were to be held that judicial review for error of law lay against the visitor I fear that , as in the present case , finality would be lost not only in cases raising pure questions of law but also in cases where it would be urged in accordance with the Wednesbury principle ( Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd. v. Wednesbury Corporation [ 1948 ] 1 K.B .
24 It needs to be stressed that British planning legislation does not assume that existing non-conforming uses must disappear if planning policy is to be made effective .
25 Nor does it impress Freud to be told that religious propositions are ‘ as if ’ types of proposition , and that one should live ‘ as if ’ it were true that there were gods , or God , for there is nothing to lose this way .
26 It is to be recommended that full reasons are given to the third party solicitor .
27 At the same time it has to be admitted that pecuniary considerations are only a guide and there is authority that defective goods can be unmerchantable per se , for example as in the case of underpants impregnated with sulphate ( Grant v Australian Knittings Mills Ltd [ 1936 ] AC 85 ) .
28 It needs to be admitted that linguistic science does not begin on a tabula rasa .
29 It needs to be remembered that bereaved people stay at home .
30 We can look at the relationship between perceptions of paper bias and the electors ' own partisanship amongst ‘ readers of right-wing papers ’ , though it has to be remembered that different Voters are Evaluating different individual papers .
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