Example sentences of "[prep] it [prep] [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Men were to talk of it for many years to come .
2 It 's mainly for adults , but the Home Office is considering using part of it for young people awaiting trial or sentence.It 's that potential for criminal cross fetilisation that 's worrying the Howard League for Penal Reform .
3 Although parts of this tradition have been examined in great detail , some of the most important aspects of it for this theme have received little attention .
4 There was a bench at one side of it with empty tea cups on it and some comic papers .
5 At first Daedalus sought a lubricating oil freezing at about 0°C , with some idea of boiling tons of it in vast kettles set up near ski slopes .
6 The first use of it in British diplomacy seems to have been by the Paris embassy in December 1852 : by the middle of the following year the missions in Vienna , Berlin and Florence could also communicate in this way with London , and from 1878 British diplomatic telegrams were numbered in the same way as despatches .
7 Looking at the effects of inheritance in a broader perspective , it is apparent that the laws and customs associated with it in any society have the effect of shaping kin relationships in ways other than the transmission of economic resources .
8 Presumably the loch — lochan , rather , for it is not large — is fed by springs eternally replenished by the rain , for nothing flows into it except small burns seeping through rush and bog myrtle , which spread after storm into sodden quagmires of moss .
9 The physics classroom had a spiral iron staircase leading from it to some region inhabited only by science masters .
10 Although the local authority was sympathetic to her problem , the sum of money available to it for discretionary grants had been severely cut in recent years , so it could not see its way to helping her further .
11 Alexander also did much to augment the common fund for resident canons at Lichfield , reserving pensions to it from several churches appropriated to monastic houses , securing the endowment of Lichfield 's sacristy and of chaplains celebrating masses to the Virgin , and continuing the rebuilding of Lichfield Cathedral begun by his predecessors .
12 One immediate difficulty is that the weight attached to it by different historians has varied enormously .
13 Particularly if there 's any suggestion that anything a bit like hypnosis has been used um this er business of of well it must be the therapist making them up or putting them up to it in some way becomes a particular argument that 's raised quite often .
14 Similarly in Braşov , the Securitate used photographs of the crowd taken from an armoured car which had swept through it on 15 November to identify ‘ especially deviant cases ’ .
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