Example sentences of "[prep] the last few [noun] we " in BNC.

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1 For the last few years we have been seriously handicapped by the fact that our second team have been unable to compete regularly against quality opposition .
2 During the last few weeks we have been to Kent for the filming .
4 ‘ But within the last few days we have received a letter from our insurance assessor that gives us fresh hope .
5 In the last few years we have been promised ( and in the UK have never actually been given ) ready-made video programmes on EVR , requiring one set of equipment , and on videodisc , requiring another .
6 Over the last few months we 've had a number of queries from hobbyists concerning fish which they have bought for their community tanks , which despite advice from their dealer , have turned out to be most unsuitable for such a set up .
7 Over the last few issues we 've been focusing on minor scales and their application .
8 well you know over the last few weeks we know that er
9 Over the last few years we had worked out a system of radio communication and coded grid references for use in joint exercises and actual operations against smuggling .
10 What we 've done , won one of the points I think that is worth er making perhaps is that on er over the last few years we 've seen a complete change in world export philosophy where not only are the Russians exporting all over the place but clearly er there are a number of western aircraft in different parts of the world and therefore what we have also done is to , in comparing er our aircraft against other western ones , we 've also looked at them as potential threats because it 's possible that er erm western aircraft in certain hands could end up being used against us so we have also compared those .
11 Now er over the last few days we 've been er talking quite a lot about er that statue you know the one that 's down by er down by Marks and Spencers that 's the best way to describe where it is the leaf stand the er the one that looks like a tulip and water dribbles down the side of it .
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