Example sentences of "[prep] the last [det] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 For the last few days of her life Julia lay in a drugged sleep , free from pain and still managing a faint smile for Pat as he hung over her , gripping her hand .
2 Sleep-drugged figures stumble quietly around their bivouacs , feeling for the last few items of rain-sodden kit to stow in their bergens .
3 He was so depressed , poor boy , at falling in the first place — all Langleys ride as if they were born to it — and then at not being able to return to Cambridge for the last few weeks of term , and his aunt was quite at her wit 's end to know what to do with him .
4 If a girl is lucky and her parents are alive , she goes to her mother 's house for the last few months of her pregnancy and about the first three months of the baby 's life .
5 She died in 1850 , having been allowed to leave the convent for the last few months of her life to be nursed by her sisters .
6 He 'd have quite liked to have spent the night on the couch in Polly 's living room , as he had for the last few months of their marriage , but it had not been offered as an option and he supposed it was just as well .
7 Suppose that for the last several periods of time , real national income has been constant at £l , 000 .
8 Cutting down on your drinking , even during the last few months of your pregnancy , will help your baby to be healthy at birth .
9 That their father 's death must be a relief to her elder sister was obvious , for Major O'Brien had been hopelessly paralysed for years , and during the last few months of his life had been unable to speak .
10 During the last few weeks of Little Stonham Primary School 's history a book fair was held .
11 Additionally , during the last few weeks of 1992 , Louis Vuitton sales showed a significant improvement .
12 Mares with a tendency to filled legs will suffer more when in foal , particularly during the last few weeks of pregnancy .
13 ‘ Thank you for all the help you gave to us and to Bob during the last few days of his illness — I only wish we 'd been put in touch with ACET sooner .
14 Mary Ann was blind during the last few years of her life , and it had the quite understandable effect of making her very emotional ; she only had one set of grandchildren , and she made such a fuss of them : ‘ My Siddy ’ , she would say , as she stroked her young grandson 's cheek with tears in her eyes .
15 There was something approaching a ‘ moral panic ’ taking place in China during the last few years of the reform decade , exacerbated by the ‘ falling in love craze ’ and some of its unhealthy results .
16 Again I was personally involved because I was one of White Waltham 's Commanding Officers during the last few years of my Service career .
17 These drawings were always made between the last few days of August and the end of October .
18 What you will think of it , I suspect , depends on your zodiac sign or whether you blubbed through the last few minutes of Peter Weir 's Dead Poets Society .
19 Norman Pinder was creeping through the last few yards of shrubbery before he would reach the window of the small seminar room .
20 Frankly , the only people I can think of who need to go as low as 850 calories a day in order to achieve a pacey weight loss on the F-Plan are small , rather sedentary women , only a few pounds overweight , and those struggling off the last few pounds of excess weight after a prolonged dieting campaign .
21 They were relaxed , joking amongst themselves ; it was a relief to be on a march where they did n't expect trouble after the last few weeks of demonstrations and violence .
22 Add some flour with the last few additions of egg to prevent curdling .
23 We had to make a forced landing at Jever Luftwaffe Air Base just a few seconds in front of two Tornados on finals , making the runway a little slippy with the last few drops of oil leaking out of our crankcase .
24 I have just read the article on the Cessna 172 in the July Pilot and I quote — spasmodically — from the last few paragraphs of p22 :
25 With the crews overlapping until the last few minutes of the 4¼-mile race , it had been a gruelling test for all .
26 They met several times more up to 1985 , but seem to have remained in touch until the last few months of Ceauşescu 's rule .
27 ‘ Nothing further came from the ring until the last few weeks of the war .
28 For travellers to the United States in the last few decades of the nineteenth century the immigrants to be seen at stations in the West , particularly in Omaha , were one of the most striking images of their visits .
29 In the last few minutes of the Committee stage we had an interesting debate when the Hon. Member for Tayside , North ( Mr. Walker ) defended what had happened .
30 The House should listen to what the Minister has to say in the last few minutes of the debate .
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