Example sentences of "[prep] the same time [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 — Department store bosses trying to try on clothes in their fiddly little changing rooms ( you can always tell people who 've been clothes shopping they 're the ones with the bruised elbows ) ; — Town planners and architects who think steps are an interesting feature trying to get up them in a wheelchair , with a pram , or just with creaky old legs ; — Hospital consultants who make ten appointments for the same time waiting in out-patients , especially if it 's the day when there 's a dotty old lady , a whining child and an old man who coughs and spits all in the same little section ; — Weird fashion experts wearing their crazier outfits in Darlington on a rainy Monday .
2 Equally , St Paul 's , Shadwell , was at the same time looking for a £6 fee for each iron or lead coffin deposited within a brick-lined grave in the churchyard , though their most expensive intramural location commanded a charge of only £4 18s .
3 The G M B and Apex Partnership shop stew stewards and representatives of Leyland Daf played a magnificent part , maximizing jobs whilst at the same time looking after the needs of those thrown on the scrap heap through no fault of their own .
4 There is no point in reading quickly , however , unless you are able at the same time to take in the meaning of what you are reading .
5 But in the end Grey does venture the overall generalization that ‘ the experience in the Korean War demonstrated again the conflict between Dominion aspirations and increasing independence in policy formulation , and the British desire to maintain their status as a great power by drawing on the resources of the Dominions in ‘ friendly cooperation , ’ while at the same time arrogating to themselves the benefits which accrued from such association' ( p. 185 ) .
6 How could she produce anything that bore the stamp of continuity and at the same time managed to be fresh and original ?
7 Walkerdine , recording interviews with and observing a working-class 6-year-old girl and her family in their home , uses fantasy to explore how she identifies with the family from her working-class childhood , and is at the same time distanced from it by her middle-class academic adulthood :
8 She hesitated , sadly , desperately anxious to accept , absurdly delighted that he had asked her , that he had so coolly bothered to cross the room to ask her , and yet at the same time horrified by the thought of displaying herself , by the thought of dragging her hideous dress from its hole-in-the-corner obscurity , by the thought of dancing at all , for she did not know how to dance .
9 He was standing quite still , feeling both paralysed and yet at the same time filled with a flood of energy .
10 Her voice sounded strange to her ; weak and croaking , but at the same time filled with a passion she had not known she felt .
11 However much both sectors might underline their commitment to high-quality education for students and other values of higher education as a whole , the struggle to define and remove boundaries at the same time led to uncertainty and ambiguity , tension and even ‘ ill-will ’ between the sectors .
12 The CPSU control commission expelled the coup leaders from the party on Aug. 23 , condemning their actions , but at the same time warned against " anti-communist hysteria " .
13 Mozart , knowing that his father would be devastated by the news , sought to prepare him as gently as possible for it by writing to him that she was gravely ill and at the same time writing to their close friend , Bullinger , telling him the whole story , in the hope that Bullinger could support and comfort his father and sister when he finally broke the news to them , which he was intending to do in a second letter to his father .
14 There were conflicts within individuals who found themselves looking nostalgically to their own tribal past while at the same time wanting to be part of the newly emerging social and economic order .
15 Without uttering a word , fitzAlan jerked Isabel roughly forward , at the same time riffling through the parchments scattered over the table .
16 Working with , while at the same time competing against other schools , raises questions about management which bear on a point made by Rutter et al.
17 I wonder if I could have belonged to revolutionary movements , even if they were as just as — I find the panthers ' movement and the Palestinians ' movement to be very just — but this belonging , this sympathizing with them is at the same time dictated by the erotic charge which the Arab world in its totality or the black American world represents to me , to my sexuality .
18 Those centres which took up the offer helped SCOTVEC plan the deployment of its resources more effectively , while at the same time benefiting from earlier candidate certification .
19 To turn away from reality is at the same time to withdraw from the community of man .
20 Yet to a very large extent German efforts were contradictory : Völkisch opinion wished Germany to remain as it was and yet somehow to return to the past ; they wanted to return to the past yet at the same time wished for the power to behave as they pleased .
21 to develop a microcomputer-based information retrieval system for use in secondary schools that will demonstrate realistically the basic principles of information storage and retrieval and at the same time serve as a practical system which can be used in the classroom to locate teaching and research materials ;
22 ‘ All officials , without exception elected and subject to recall at any time , their salaries reduced to working men 's wages — these simple and self-evident democratic measures , which , completely uniting the interests of the workers and the majority of peasants , at the same time serve as a bridge leading from capitalism to socialism ’ ( pp. 38–9 ) .
23 This territory had been annexed to Poland after its occupation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War , a situation accepted de facto by the Western powers at the Potsdam conference of July-August 1945 ( the northern part of East Prussia being at the same time incorporated into the Soviet Union ) .
24 They tell the listener that the speaker wishes to hold on to his conversational turn , but at the same time asks for assistance .
25 At 4.30 am the Corporal of the day , a squat pig-like Polynesian called Vigno , came round the rooms , turning on the lights , throwing open the windows and tipping people out of bed , at the same time screaming at us in French to get downstairs on to the parade ground for ‘ appel ’ or roll call .
26 ‘ Thank you both , ’ Beth told them , at the same time stepping between the men and Cissie ; she did not like the way the younger man was regarding the girl .
27 The scale of their operations and their expertise enable them to provide lenders with easily marketable paper claims , denominated in small units and with relatively low yield , whilst at the same time lending to borrowers on a long-term higher-yield basis ( e.g. Certificates of Deposit bought by companies with excess funds from the banks ) .
28 It is proposed to extend the circumstances in which the price and number of shares under the British Gas Sharesave Scheme may be adjusted to include an ‘ open offer ’ ( an offer to shareholders similar to a rights issue ) or any other variation of share capital which the Inland Revenue accepts as sufficient ground for such an adjustment and at the same time to allow for adjustments to reflect changes in the class of shares , or the rights attaching to shares , under option .
29 Of this , Charlotte Bronte made some direct use , while at the same time tending towards humorous modifications , which are anti-Gothic .
30 Yet we are at the same time perturbed by more recent and present-day developments .
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