Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] [conj] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 The flag has always been a symbol of the militant faith of the Salvation Army and in the early days of the movement invariably became the main target for the larrikins or hoodlums who did their best to destroy the marches and meetings .
2 Professor Colin Bell , of Edinburgh University 's sociology department , said : ‘ The conference represents a unique opportunity for the doctors and nurses who care for people who are generally regarded as being ‘ hopelessly ill ’ to get together with lawyers , philosophers and sociologists to discuss the very real dilemmas — social , legal and medical — posed by such people .
3 In the case of high technology design he must provide a service for the engineers and scientists who carry the technical design responsibility .
4 His scouts had assessed that the enemy numbers would reach around twenty thousand , and were moving fairly fast , a mounted host save for the Islesmen and Highlanders who , trained to proceed long distances at the run , and lightly clad , did not hold up the horse to any extent .
5 This is correlated with both the profitability for members of the Exchange who trade in that instrument , and the liquidity of the instrument , which is the relevant criterion for the hedgers and speculators who are the exchange 's ultimate customers .
6 And that 's good news for the butterflies and bees who are delighting in the sunny side of farming 1990s style .
7 Perhaps , just as the BA holds a senior and junior College and University Booksellers Group conference , it could put on two mainline conferences : one for the under 45s , for the men and women who actually do the biz ; and one for the older members of the trade .
8 ‘ I redrew it to what fitted our site and what I needed in terms of accommodation for the children and grannies who appear from time to time — mindful of the fact that Edwina and Michael were two and four , but were n't going to stay that size for long . ’
9 These sentiments were to prove too rich for the Whigs and Liberals who were predominant in the mid nineteenth century .
10 There were relatively few differences between the Russians and Ukrainians who were surveyed in terms of their political attitudes , and relatively few Ukrainians cited nationality policy as an aspect of the system they would like to change compared with the very large numbers who , like their Russian counterparts , were in favour of the abolition of the collective farm system and the ending of police terror .
11 They constantly warned us of the danger of the roads , about the thieves and vagabonds who dressed in green or brown buckram and played Robin Hood in the dark forests or wastelands we passed through .
12 DURING the furore of the next three weeks of General Election campaigning , for Christians perhaps a few reflections about the institution which is the House of Commons — and especially about the men and women who are sent there — would not come amiss .
13 The fact that they do so and produce any results at all in such circumstances says a great deal about the men and women who serve us all in Derbyshire .
14 After 1976 both Jordan and Israel made conscious efforts to detach rural society from the leadership offered by local towns , the former through the landlords and merchants who controlled agricultural marketing , the latter through its Village Leagues , a network aimed at maintaining dependency and destroying the credibility of the nationalist urban leadership .
15 Few of the rulers or ministers who attempted far-reaching reform in these areas were much influenced by the Enlightenment and none advertised his adherence to its ideas as Frederick II and Catherine II did .
16 Charles did not make extensive changes in the Lombard government , and retained many of the governors and administrators who had originally served under Desiderius .
17 Well it 's certainly clear that some of the companies , for instance Cliffhanger , which have grown in Brighton and developed Brighton as a base , are not just immensely popular within Brighton , but also very popular when we take them out on tour , or when they offer their services to other venues in other parts of East Sussex or Kent , and this is equally true of some of the community orientated groups , some of the musicians and artists who live and work primarily in Brighton erm their talent is readily appreciable throughout the region and therefore it 's part of our tactics to talk to artists who are operating in the Brighton area and see whether they 're willing or interested in taking some of their work out to other parts of the region .
18 The fate of most of the soldiers and volunteers who fought the fire at the plant , exposing themselves to vast doses of radiation , remains a mystery .
19 She praised the gallantry , determination and sense of duty of the servicemen and women who had given their lives for their country .
20 one of the things that Dough who was there , er with Iris on , on , on the twelfth er spotted was that one of his ex students who now works in educational technology or something equally grand in the Northern College in Dundee is one of the volunteers who have come forward
21 The church was full of the women and girls who had attended the morning service and had decided to wait to see the wedding .
22 None of these figures takes account of the women and children who worked at the craft , but the broad trends are clear .
23 Many of the relatives and friends who rated the homes as an excellent place for the person who died to live towards the end of his or her life made rather perfunctory comments : ‘ I ca n't fault the home ’ ; ‘ It was very nice , no qualms about it . ’
24 One of my main questions arose from the constant accusations that have been made that Moonies ( and other new religions ) actually brainwash their ‘ victims ’ — this being the only explanation that seemed plausible to many of the parents and friends who had observed the often radical changes in behaviour wrought in those who joined the movement .
25 The network of Training Enterprise Councils ( TEC ) has been set up to allow strategies for dealing with vocational training , employment needs , new enterprise and economic development to be handled at a local level by a single local body , which benefits from the practical experience and local knowledge of the employers and others who serve on its board .
26 Few of the business-men and politicians who get excited about it know quite what it means , but they know what they do not like .
27 He also saw to the payment of the doctors and nurses who looked after Paul , though he never visited him , any more than Dinah did .
28 Some of the priests and pastors who joined the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament seemed to have abandoned the fundamental Christian belief that God brought the world into existence and will determine when , if ever , it will come to an end .
29 Coats of arms of the merchants who built the houses four hundred years ago catch the eye , as do those of the guilds and craftsmen who flourished in old Stein .
30 We may also say that the linguistic expressions ( or their meanings ) that appear in particular token constructions identify entities and properties ( and we shall feel free to extend this use of identify to the activity of the speakers and writers who use the constructions ) .
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