Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] [noun sg] and [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are demands for the Monopolies Commission and the Office of Fair Trading to be called in .
2 Halfway through our policy discussions in preparation for the citizens charter and the Bill , he obtained a leaked document containing the views of some officials .
3 This department will have responsibilities for the Office of Arts & Libraries ( OAL ) , in particular for the Arts Council and the national museums , adding to them the Home Office responsibilities for the broadcasting services ' legislative framework and the BBC in particular .
4 Pray for the Missions Board and the Diaconate as the missionary budget for the coming year is finalised .
5 But from the travelling community , there 's open contempt for the police operation and a prediction ; they 'll be back .
6 Thomas Sutton also participated in the quarrels between the Friars Preacher and the Friars Minor over the issue of poverty .
7 There will be the normally prize , plus any prizes to be between the ladies captain and the handicap secretary .
8 The value of the right is determined by the difference between the ex-rights price and the subscription price , 299p - 255p = 44p .
9 But this can be counter-productive , as it cuts off communication between the systems analyst and the user .
10 The conceptual line between the systems world and the real world was crossed at a later stage when the information model was used to explore what was actually happening in practice .
11 The person between the Parks Department and the erm this contract in , they are two separate departments and there 's no doubt about it , the Parks Department do a very good job .
12 But going on I 'd like to pick the point made er from the Department of Environment about the exceptions policy and the way they envisage it .
13 I 've had indirect help through the Arts Centre and the Traverse Gallery but I 've never had funding paid to me directly in any way or prizes or anything like that .
14 This is because both the close company regime in Part XI of the Taxes Act and the " connected persons " rules for capital gains tax purposes rely on the definition of " control " in s416 TA 1988 .
15 Following the decision to extend the project , the survey of the volcanoes Namarunu and The Barrier has been completed .
16 This was opened in 1986 under the auspices of the Drugs Council and a local housing trust .
17 Furthermore , a quarter of the combined cases of the Drugs Council and the Detoxification Unit were known to have tried injecting heroin .
18 Those who looked hard enough could easily appreciate the difference between the Twins pouting and swaying to ‘ Doctor Doctor ’ and The Smiths by now legendary pastiche performances , but to the average Top Of The Pops viewer and the average record buyer , the difference was non-existent .
19 She 's a top Top Of The Pops presenter and the regular voice on Radio One 's Drivetime .
20 The song bounced along to reach the number twelve spot , helped by another uncomfortable but satisfying Top Of The Pops appearance and a fresh wave of publicity surrounding The Smiths affection for , and a desire to , work with Sandie Shaw .
21 So , while the oil crisis caused major difficulties for the system as a whole , its impact — like that of the commodities boom and the dollar crisis — was uneven .
22 ‘ We were conscious of the need to build in safeguards against possible earthquakes during the development of the Hides field and the construction of the gas plant , ’ say Grainge .
23 The Prime Minister has made much of the citizens charter and the need for openness in Government .
24 On top of that , last year 's ‘ Fifteen Years ’ EP zoomed into the top of the singles chart and the recent
25 In some respects it is an initiative influenced by the experience of the Plebs League and the NCLC , discussed in previous chapters .
26 What it actually means erm is that er there is unlikely to be a by-pass for some time , but in effect that would be likely to be the case anyway , one because of the cost of the by-pass overall and secondly because of the erm position with regard to other aspects of the roads programme and the level of T S G that we are currently receiving er even if there was an agreed line as of today erm bearing in mind the th the other things that have happened in the roads programme , it still would be unlikely that the by-pass would be er programmed in such a way that it would allow housing or other development to take place in East Grinstead within either the structure plan period or the local plan period and hence the points that then er that the report moves on to erm come into play .
27 The Clark version of the mixture-of-distributions hypothesis and the sequential information arrival model provide complementary theoretical arguments for a positive relationship between price volatility and volume .
28 I , I can remember all the activity and er when it was erected there was a fella from the First World War , he lost a leg in the war and he was in charge of the billiards room and the tables , when they built the club itself the front part used to be devoted to card games and then they installed a billiards hall and the tables and as I say a chap named he used to live in Street , but he was , a lost a leg during the war and they found him the job of looking after the tables and marking
29 Such rules are not always calculated to improve the truth value of the police case and a few are at odds with the fact-finding object of police investigation .
30 ‘ Likely to believe ’ or ‘ likely to be provoked ’ means , that in the opinion of the police officer and the court , these likelihoods might occur .
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