Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] [noun pl] [conj] have " in BNC.

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1 There is , needless to say , no suggestion that the Bank of England are in contempt , and , for the same reasons as have led me to conclude that the injunction is overridden , I should have had no hesitation in varying the injunction if it had been necessary to do so .
2 However , Hall ( 1982a ; 1982b ) hoped that higher-skilled and better-paid jobs would eventually Appear through the same processes that had driven countries such as Hong Kong , South Korea and Singapore from low-grade , low-paid economies into higher , if not always ‘ higher-tech ’ production .
3 Of the many curves that have been explored by mathematicians , the roulettes are formed by a curve rolling along another , fixed curve and are fundamental to mechanics .
4 Indeed of the many disciplines that have contributed to the growth of modern literary theory , linguistics is almost certainly the most important .
5 At the time , and indeed until much later , I had no knowledge of Mrs Castle 's objections or of the many discussions that had taken place on this subject at government level .
6 He scooped a handful of marble out of a bannister as if it were plasticine , and briefly enjoyed the traces of the many fingers that had brushed over this patch of cold stone down the years .
7 Some of the few studies that have taken account of gender suggest that Afro-Caribbean girls are achieving higher levels than boys at school level , partly because they are pursuing different strategies , which are necessary in order to survive in the context of high unemployment and low wages for black male workers ( Fuller , 1983 ; see also Riley , 1986 ; Driver , 1977 ) .
8 One of the few criticisms that has rankled with Mr Kinnock has been the allegation of cockiness — the presumption he has won before the votes have been counted .
9 This reflects the so-called doctrine of double effect which was incorporated into English law in one of the few cases that have been decided in this area , R v.
10 ‘ They are one of the few teams that have come here and attacked us and they did a good job , ’ he said .
11 It is one of the few villages that has changed position over the years .
12 Headline is one of the few companies that has lost no staff during the recession — in fact it has taken more on .
13 It involves one of the few regulators that have shown some teeth in standing up to the powers that have been conferred by the Government on privatised British Gas .
14 But I am going to having said that I will tell you of the few accidents that have occurred over the years , and one of them was mine in the early days when I was learning th the full size removal job .
15 POLLING stations 83 and 84 for the village of Hath Qila lie down a dusty track that must be one of the few roads that has not been metalled in the five years that Mr Rajiv Gandhi has been cosseting his home constituency of Amethi .
16 This would seem to be one of the few events that had any lasting emotional effect on him .
17 Despite the many improvements that have been made over the years , the poor pay of the farm worker therefore continues to reflect the very many constraints which surround his choice of occupation and employer in many rural areas .
18 Rechtschaffen 's is a lucid , insightful account of the phenomenology of dreaming , which , despite the many advances that have been made in understanding the natural history of sleep and dreaming , remains unusual in attempting to deal directly with the experience of dreaming .
19 Debut against the All Blacks and has played in all four Tests since South Africa 's return to the international scene .
20 Donna ( 5.1 ) and Sharon ( 4.10 ) were playing with the All sorts and had made sets with them placing the sets in columns .
21 If we did n't know that terrible things like war had happened , or why they had happened , it would be so easy for us as a country to continue with the same policies that had led to these mistakes in the past .
22 Late ‘ 76 saw Linda in this country with an excellent show and playing with the same guitarists that had appeared on the album .
23 While early agreement in principle on the agency is likely , the actual launching of the agency may run into the same difficulties that have beset the European Environment Agency — this has been stalled for more than a year in an acrimonious ‘ who-gets-what ’ dispute over the sharing-out of the prestige , finance and jobs that flow from ‘ hosting ’ EC institutions .
24 As night fell on Stabiae , Vesuvius presented an awesome sight , with the oppressively heavy ash cloud above it lit up in a baleful red glare from the many fires that had been started by the rain of hot ash .
25 The evidence from the few areas that have been bored or surveyed geophysically supports this view , but other evidence does not fit so well .
26 The paper ( published in volume 261 , page 301 of the journal ) contained a table of numbers for excess heat from the few cells that had measured ‘ positive ’ but gave no details of how many cells had balanced , or in their definition were deemed to be ‘ dead ’ .
27 Such a strategy recognizes both the negative attitudes of local planners to industrial development in the open countryside and also the advantages of concentrating investment in infrastructure in the few locations that have reasonably large labour markets .
28 In the few weeks that have gone by a boy from the village has been killed by an elephant .
29 An extreme instance is provided by Godden and Baddeley ( 1975 , 1980 ) , who found that the ability of divers to recall a list of words learned either under water or on the beach was much better when the test took place in the same conditions as had prevailed during original learning .
30 Plant subjects in the same lunchboxes that had been used for previous experiments were placed on a stand and viewed .
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