Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 More than 80% mortality has been reported for the 32 documented cases of herpes B virus infection in man .
2 For the ordinary civilian politicians of Bharatpur , these complex family questions are tending to obscure what is looming as a tense election battle in a pivotal seat that both sides badly need to win .
3 But in recognition of Scotland 's turbulent history , the Norse barn style was adopted for the far northern stations of Thurso and Wick .
4 Watch for the rich earthy tones of their Etruscan paving , the mosaic patterns impressed on the slab capturing the mood of the Mediterranean .
5 That , however , is to ignore the efforts of several bishops over many years to secure some lasting settlement between a wilful king and his resentful subjects ; the lateness of their conversion to deposition — under duress or in despair — is rather to their credit than otherwise ; as for the fiercest episcopal opponents of the king , their experience gave them good grounds for believing that the church 's liberties would be better protected under another king .
6 The singer , best known for the classic Great Balls Of Fire , was expected two days ago but was said to be furious at taking second billing in the Giants of Rock 'n' Roll concerts .
7 The joint bid from Pakistan , India and Sri Lanka offers a Pounds 100,000 carrot for the 17 crucial votes of the ICC 's Associate members , compared to England 's £65,000 .
8 The 1897 census had listed 20,000 kustari for the six Belorussian provinces of that period .
9 They have also prepared scholarly editions for the complete critical editions of Handel , Lully , and for Musica Britannica .
10 Subsoil Kimmeridgian , mostly Upper Kimmeridgian , except for the Upper Oxfordian slopes of Trannes , Mussy-sur-Seine and on the Valanginien .
11 They helped to bring about a severe crisis of authority at the end of Alexander 's reign , they laid the foundations for the major radical parties of the twentieth century , including the Bolshevik Party , and they provided the country 's leadership in the early Soviet period .
12 TAKE IT EASY Fast and simple Summer knits EXPERIMENT With stitches and colour Experts show you how DESIGNERS FOR THE FUTURE Young knitters of Cwmbran
13 Elections for the 56 Greek-Cypriot members of the Cyprus House of Representatives were held on May 18 , 1991 , when the DESY narrowly defeated the AKEL [ see pp. 38208-09 ] .
14 The narrator , Richard Papen , longs for entry to the college 's charmed but destructive inner circle — a clique of privileged students fired by their classics professor 's admiration for the ancient Greek mysteries of bucolic visions and violence .
15 Country weavers and knitters were to become better remembered for the long sad days of their early nineteenth-century decline , but they had happier days when they consumed the products made by their fellow artisans in Burslem , Sheffield and Birmingham .
16 At Samia Saouma the chilly irony of Glen Baxter makes way for the recent disconcerting images of Pierre and Gilles , on until the end of the month .
17 Within this region we noted two short T n A elements and one ATTTA element that may account for the low steady-state levels of RNA seen in transfected cells ( see below ) .
18 Brussels had framed the legislation under a section of the Treaty of Rome which authorises the Commission to aim for the highest possible levels of environmental protection and allows for majority voting in the Council of Ministers when member states are unable to agree .
19 Newsagents across the country had cleared extra floor space for the 60,000 additional copies of the paper .
20 Sir : On Saturday you published an advertisement for the 10 extra pages of news and features that you , The Independent , will carry from 2 October .
21 Nearest-neighbour parameters for the 10 possible combinations of base pair stacking interactions found in RNA duplexes [ 7 ] are presented in Figure 5 as an enthalpy/entropy compensation plot .
22 These Six Articles affirmed royal support for the central Catholic doctrines of transubstantiation , communion in one kind for the laity , clerical celibacy , the inviolability of priestly vows of chastity , the validity of private masses , and the necessity of private auricular confession .
23 This same explanatory principle is valid for the other Communist parties of Latin America …
24 The U.K. event is only part of the Glenlivet European Trophy , which began for the other European branches of Seagram in 1988 .
25 ‘ That scoundrel sets a bad example for the other young men of the parish .
26 The issue of governmental devolution for the other Celtic nations of Scotland and Wales made more headway .
27 This movement , which though tiny in real time is immense in the aeons of geological time , is wholly responsible for the other dramatic features of the Pacific .
28 She persevered with them , in the hope that a taste for men , like a taste for the other desirable sophistications of life such as alcohol and nicotine , could be acquired through hard work .
29 We like mixed-ability teaching in principle — but it 's such hard work ( if you 're not going to cop out and use worksheets all the time ) that we find ourselves longing for the good old days of streaming .
30 For the school library , through books , films , recordings , and other materials , goes beyond the requirements of the instructional program , and unfolds for the many private quests of children and young people the imagination of mankind .
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