Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , for the average factory worker the rankings will be different .
2 Counc tonight it was mentioned the actual the work of the Regional Health Authority and , again , I worked for the Regional Health Authority a long time ago .
3 For the one litre size the average price is about sixty seven pence .
4 For the gerontological research community the 1980 and 1985 GHS are of special interest as these years ' surveys had a special section concerned with those aged 65 + .
5 Having just lost out to Alan Alda in 1966 for the forthcoming Broadway comedy The Apple Tree , directed by Mike Nichols , but nonetheless now confirmed as a top off-Broadway character actor , Dustin landed the lead in Livings ' Eh ? , which had had a great success at the Aldwych Theatre , London , in Peter Hall 's Royal Shakespeare Company production exactly two years previously .
6 For the original pilot episode the TARDIS interior set covered a full half of Studio D's floor space .
7 The primary purpose was to reduce the costly time spent on oral argument in so far as that was not necessary for the proper determination fo the appeal .
8 He arrives in Massillon , Ohio , to discover the entire town of 30,000 people preparing for the big football game the next day .
9 Also , bear in mind that for the single horse owner a bag of coarse mix will be used up while the feed still retains its value .
10 For the one-phase.on excitation scheme the correction factor is 1.5 , which is used to multiply the approximate result , so :
11 Different gutter layouts — for the same size gutter the centre layout will cope with 20 per cent less roof area than the top ; the bottom layout with loo per cent more
12 For the subsequent judgment task the films were presented in their entirety with an audible tone recorded at the moment the car passed through the centre of the junction .
13 I have no doubt that during the general election campaign the chairman of the Tory party will be spreading himself about a little bit , even though he has a tiny majority in Bath .
14 During the normal working day the demands on system resources will be those generated by the use of copies of Oedipus ( for ease of management a single copy of the code is maintained on disk ) .
15 During the current rise time the phase voltage v is 100V , but during the decay time v is zero .
16 During the Second World War a nudist village for evacuee naturists was set up twenty miles outside London .
17 During the Second World War a similar problem arose with regard to the publication of Alexander Ratcliffe 's Truth about the Jews , brought out by the British Protestant League .
18 Indeed during the Second World War a British officer of some distinction , Fitzroy Maclean , had actually arrested Zahedi on grounds he had been intriguing with German agents .
19 During the second world war the plant kept 19,000 people busy ( assembling , among other things , Barnes Wallis 's bouncing bombs for the dam-busters ) .
20 A paediatrician 's son , Harry Neubauer was born in 1932 at Karlsbad , Germany , but during the Second World War the family found refuge in Newcastle upon Tyne .
21 During the Second World War the island was invaded by the Axis powers and , after Marshal Badoglio 's armistice with the Allies in September 1943 , thousands of Italians were killed and captured by the Germans .
22 During the Second World War the house was empty until taken by an elderly lady , Mrs Fullerton , whose son was grown up .
23 During the Second World War the King of Saudi Arabia , Abdul Aziz , managed to convince both the British and the Germans that he was on their side .
24 During the Second World War the Germans used coal gasification to make syn-gas which was then used to make oil in a process developed by two chemists named Fischer and Tropsch .
25 The race continued throughout the war years , though during the Second World War the distance was cut to fifteen miles .
26 During the Second World War the house and many other parts of the village were requisitioned .
27 During the Second world War the centre span of the old swing bridge was removed by the Royal Engineers so that they could practise making Bailey bridges against the tide .
28 During the Second World War the Portuguese Government tried to insist that only neutral ships be used , but this was often ignored .
29 His first seventeen designs carried the AIR– designation but in 1937 the eighteenth became the Ya–18 and during the Second World War the now well known Yak-prefix came into being .
30 During the Second World War the whole economic effort centred on supplying and employing sufficient quantities of labour and materials .
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