Example sentences of "[prep] the [adj] [noun] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Stuart , who left Middlesbrough and Cleveland Harriers in November and has since joined Sale , is entered for the 100 metres as well as her main event , the 200 metres .
2 Well it 's quite fun just going off for the odd day cos then he goes off to see Ian , he enjoys that but it was two afternoons last week cos I did Thursday afternoon and Friday afternoon
3 The numbers of single ( i.e. unmarried ) women , have fallen significantly in recent years , with important consequences for the caring professions as well as informal care .
4 The Primary Education Improvement Project in Northern Nigeria has produced a programme for the lower classes where more formal subject-based lessons were planned to cover about half the teaching time , but complemented by a carefully planned activities programme based on group work .
5 Young Claire looked a good bet for the second set as well she was 4-2 up at one stage until Lizzie fought back and took and forced the tie break which she won …
6 A report to the borough 's planning applications sub-committee says the new-look leisure centre will also include cast-iron drainpipes and a new panel for the leaping dolphins as well as olive-green roof tiles .
7 The absorption of trace metals from mg or µg oral doses is often used as a proxy for the physiological situation since only low levels of these elements are usually found in the diet .
8 The latest New Generation catalogue from HSS Hire Shops features a wide range of technically advanced tools for the skilled d-i-yer as well as the tradesman .
9 This is an important point to make , since many theoretical positions both before and after the work of Grice have assumed that omniscience in analysis is a possible option , and analyses are produced that claim to speak for the general reader while also using biographical information on the author from an asserted privileged position ( much of the methodology and work of F.R. Leavis ( e.g. 1936 , 1967 ) and his followers is characterised by this approach ) .
10 Naturally most of the boys opted for ‘ the strip ’ and each time the innuendo was made the girls pretended it was terribly witty and original , If a little naughty , just as they did when they were asked for the twentieth time if perhaps they might be the prize .
11 We are glad that is able to be with us twice this season , and that has agreed to continue her regular music lessons for the early birds as well as taking a number of sessions. , and make up the rest of the team and we all look forward to working with you .
12 Mayson was denied his hat-trick by good ‘ keeping and twice Smyth was through , only to go for the unselfish option when perhaps a shot would have been better .
13 ‘ This 'll be all right for the Ancient Britons as well , ’ he said brandishing ‘ The Stein Song ’ , 'I 'll give it to Mike when we go over . ’
14 While white settlers and colonial civil servants were provided with both government schools and a number of fee-paying private schools , many of them regarded the expansion of educational provision for the black population as politically dangerous .
15 This new dialectical relationship between spectator and screen image led some critics and film-makers to make large claims for the avant-garde film as inherently more progressive and political , because of its self-reflexiveness and because of its refusal to give in to the tendency of mainstream film to construct an ‘ imaginary identity ’ .
16 By accepting that there is a market and career structure for the Administrative Assistant as well as the Shorthand Secretary , it is possible to treat Shorthand as an optional subject rather than as a major core element .
17 I am doing my utmost to persuade my colleagues in the Council of Ministers that it would make no sense , for the European Community as well as this country , if the directives were promulgated in their present form .
18 It should prove so for the first killer as well .
19 For the first time since properly regaining consciousness she asked : ‘ What will happen to her if nobody knows , if nobody pays , what will they do to … ? ’
20 Bakalov said Huron version 1.18 , expected in Q2 1993 , will support Motif for the first time as well as the RS/6000 , improved buffers support for larger numbers of terminals , Oracle server ( Unix ) and DB server(MVS) .
21 The American law of libel , including as it does no protection for the individual politician as well as political institutions , goes further along the road of freedom of the press than the English law ; nor would I wish to extend it .
22 The senior officer , an inspector , realizing that Myeloski was an important personage because Myeloski told him so , immediately set about arranging transport for the two visitors as well as booking accommodation in one of the local hotels .
23 But that is neither the history nor the practice of our professional system , not just er for accountants but for the legal system as well and I think it has stood the test of time , er he will know that there has been er there is a procedure for the joint disciplinaries scheme er which enables the er institute to investigate whether there has been compliance by member firms with the standards promulgated er with er er by the er er auditing practices board and that seems to me to be the er right way forward .
24 By the way they 're also made up for the following week as well in case , if it 's Tuesday night , oh , let me just look at next week , what have I got ?
25 Walk for the inner benefits as well as the fitness and slimness benefits .
26 The results and significance were similar for the earlier series although more pronounced ( Table III ) .
27 C.C. 's phenomenal descriptions of the present displays suggest that this applied for the symmetrical figures as well .
28 Remember , you can at any time exchange our equipment for the latest models as soon as they become available .
29 This affordable scheme not only covers you for loss of income , but is useful for the unforeseen expenses as well .
30 Make a small bow for the green cake as before and leave to dry .
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