Example sentences of "[prep] a few day [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He left after a few days as I said .
2 Most continue ripening in store until ready for the table , but a few varieties must be brought into the warm for a few days before they are ready to eat .
3 They were usually listless for a few days before they collapsed , breathing with evident difficulty and , in a few cases , discharging a white frothy liquid from their nostrils .
4 I looked after him for a few days before he died . ’
5 Fosdyke was all alone , had been for a few days since I had dinner with him in fact . ’
6 Just as I had n't minded when asked if I would like to take care of Jeffrey Bernard for a few days while he was in Sydney to promote the play about himself , Jeffrey Bernard is Unwell , which is currently playing here .
7 The mother 's death is portrayed in a macabre scene where Walter is unsure whether she has died , or even what death is , and allows the corpse to rot for a few days while he sits by her side .
8 They are much more risky , tending to be highly volatile — rising quickly but often falling faster , indeed sometimes trading is suspended for a few days so you are locked in until trading resumes usually at a much lower level .
9 In the event of trouble , remove the villain , let the other fish settle for a few days and them put him back .
10 But Steve had gone off with Maria Luisa for a few days and he was n't thinking about work , that was for sure , and she had n't her freedom anyway !
11 ‘ Now , Roger , it 's obvious — you have worn that chain for a few days and it has left a mark .
12 I ask him to come down for a few days and I also invite Lady De Marr .
13 ‘ Well , exactly — ’ she hrumphed some more — ‘ I said she was still going to be in Maidstone for a few days though we were thinking of moving her to a private hospital .
14 Oh , and I 'd stay out of the swimming pool for a few days if I were you , unless you can keep your head above water .
15 So this morning the fat little chap in the long white coat who was sorting us out in the Dean 's Office said I 'd better come along here for a few days until they got me organized with another partner .
16 If she is already ripe with eggs , then a few hours will suffice — if not , feed her well on live food for a few days until she is plump in the belly region .
17 Like everyone else on holiday , he thought he had ‘ got away from it all ’ for a few days until he arrived at the famous White Horse Inn and was confronted by … fellow Fellow ( ! )
18 Could you leave this for a few days until I 'm fresher ? ’
19 ‘ I was hoping Kenny could put me up for a few days until I 'd sorted things out with my parents .
20 I shall be drawing a considerable sum in a few days but you must know how it is , travelling the country as we old soldiers do … thank you … ten pounds will be quite sufficient … and you must let me spend some more of it in your excellent company … that evening 's entertainment we enjoyed together , Mr Wood , ’ his voice rose in the small hallway and the other guests and servants indoors and out strained noticeably to catch what would surely be the eloquent testimonial of a compliment , ‘ was one of the , shall we say , most boisterous and wise , a rare combination , Mr Landlord , I have spent , whether in London , in Europe or in and out of ships and foreign postings in a long lifetime .
21 I mean , we could go back in a few days and I could distract her while you … ’
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