Example sentences of "[prep] a few [noun pl] in a " in BNC.

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1 He had caught up with and passed his rival in a latter of a few strides in a quite extraordinary spurt of acceleration for a steeple-chaser carrying twelve and a half stone at the end of a three-mile chase , and for the big horse it was simply too much : Mill House weakened rapidly and by the time Arkle had strode home to a rapturous reception Mill House had been passed by Rondetto .
2 The cost of evening courses or those consisting of a few sessions in a school of nursing cost considerably less than residential week long courses or part-time variations held over a period of several months .
3 To wash our dishes , for instance , requires placing them for a few hours in a rattan basket in the swift-flowing stream deflected through the kitchen to the left of our house .
4 Sprinkle the yeast over the water in a cup and leave to stand for a few minutes in a warm place before stirring to completely dissolve the yeast .
5 The blow would have killed him instantly — at least , he might have lived for a few minutes in a technical sense , but he would have been unconscious and effectively dead .
6 As they gathered outside the wire waiting for their guard to open the gate into the camp , they were suspended for a few moments in a sort of limbo .
7 The membranes of course contain both the proteins and the enzyme that phosphorylates them , protein kinase C. If radioactive ATP is added to a tiny sample of the membranes , and incubated together for a few seconds in a miniature test-tube , the membrane proteins become both phosphorylated and radioactive .
8 Or it was just some seventeenth-century Dutch hippie paid to sit still for a few weeks in a dark robe in a cold studio .
9 ‘ I think you can dispense with the formalities , Letty , curtsying would look out of place in a few rooms in a lodging house , do n't you think ? ’
10 Durbeyfield walked on a few steps in a dream , then sat down with his basket .
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