Example sentences of "[prep] a [det] [noun] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Wright amendment , named after a former speaker of the House , Jim Wright , permits flights leaving Dallas 's Love Field to fly only to cities in Texas and four neighbouring states .
2 After a few glasses of the local ‘ dark and stormy ’ cocktail — a mixture of rum and ginger beer — the new Governor might agree with the poet Andrew Marvell who wrote of eternal spring in ‘ an isle so long unknown and yet far kinder than our own ’ .
3 After a few days of the Novotel , I was able to move to the Trianon , a magnificent Edwardian building , well placed right on the edge of the park .
4 After a few laps of the track we could kick a ball about or even have a go at throwing a javelin .
5 Thoughts on the monarchy invariably turn on the constitutional insights of a former editor of The Economist , Walter Bagehot , after whom this column is named .
6 The latter , a son of a former Headmaster of The School for the Deaf in Liverpool was a world-famous consultant psychiatrist specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of deaf patients .
7 His father actively supported the parliamentarian cause in the English civil war but John Duncombe 's sympathies were Royalist and his marriage , on 12 July 1646 , to Elizabeth , daughter of a former chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , Sir Humphrey May [ q.v. ] , allied him to one of the Stuarts ' most loyal families of servants .
8 In the words of a former chairman of a British nationalized industry , when the economy fluctuates , ‘ ministers find it difficult to resist varying the targets or borrowing limits of the industries , frequently at very short notice , and these imposed fluctuations in general management direction produce severe strains on the efficient operation of the industry ’ ( Tombs 1980 : 5 ) .
9 It also included , until her recent death , Lady Goold , wife of a former chairman of the Conservative Party in Scotland .
10 It is largely thanks to the perseverance of a former CO of the RAF Institute of Aviation Pathology , Group Captain Mason ( now Professor of Forensic Pathology at Edinburgh University ) , that there is international recognition of the contribution of the aviation pathologist in aircraft accident investigation by way of a specification recommending their positive involvement in formal investigations written into Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation .
11 ‘ Merymose is a braver man than I thought , if he is going to Kenamun of all people for the help of a former scribe of the Great Criminal ! ’
12 They belong to the family of a former employee of the Bishop 's Castle Railway .
13 Pathos is created only by the sacrifice of a few members of the virtuous side , mostly old ones like Théoden or Dáin , or peripheral ones like Háma and Halbarad and the list of mere names in the Rohan dirge after the Pelennor Fields .
14 Here , for example , is Bassano 's version of a few bars of the soprano part of Palestrina 's ‘ Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas ’ :
15 Let us think for a few moments of the wonderful achievements of the human race — the towns that have been built , the works of art that have been produced — the books , plays , films , pictures , music … the progress that has been made in science and technology .
16 To complete the sequence , try for a few close-ups of the coloured light reflecting in the children 's faces , after which a fade to black would bring the sequence to an appropriate close .
17 As a former chairman of An Taisce , Ireland 's equivalent of the National Trust , says : ‘ How on earth do you rehabilitate a 6,000-year-old peat bog ? ’
18 As a former chairman of the leisure committee , I am well aware of the work done to promote the super leisure facilities provided throughout Wear Valley by the former Labour council .
19 Most of our group were sent to pick grapes under the supervision of an ex-legionnaire whose age and Germanic inflexion marked him as a former member of the Wehrmacht .
20 The newspaper described " Captain Combo " as a former member of the Presidential Guard and " very close " to Bob Denard , the French mercenary who had been in charge of President Abdallah 's Presidential Guard at the time of the November 1989 coup , and who had lived since then in South Africa .
21 They included the pop singer Lyn Paul , best known as a former member of the New Seekers , dancer Jane Summerhayes , who appeared on the London stage in A Chorus Line , his secretary Jo-Anne Robinson , another dancer , who was in the musical Billy with him , and dancer Jane Watts , who appeared in Barnum .
22 Those who were approached would almost certainly have included Trevor Glover of Penguin ( who as a former president of the Australian Book Publishers Association offered unique experience to the post ) , Paula Hahn of Longman ( who , if she had accepted , would have been the first woman president in the PA 's history ) , Simon Masters of Random House , John Clement of Chambers , Philip Sturrock of Cassell , David Young of HarperCollins , and the current treasurer , Philip Kogan of Kogan Page .
23 Describing the Labour leader as a former leader of the ‘ hard left ’ , it said people ‘ ca n't trust a man who will change any principle , abandon any policy , say anything to get elected ’ .
24 As a former student of the National Deaf Mute College in Washington , of which Dr Edward Miner Gallaudet was founder and first president , Maginn had personal knowledge of the excellence of the American system of deaf education .
25 As a former director of the CIA , Bush was familiar with the secret world , and comfortable with its tradition of covert operations .
26 In letters , prescriptions , shopping lists , school essays , the reader normally pushes through a once-for-all interpretation of a text which may never be read again .
27 Carwyn desperately wanted to come through a few heats of the Pipeline Masters .
28 Fortunately , with a little knowledge of the ancient trade routes between Europe and Northern Asia , the places he named enable us to trace the route he followed and to identify other interesting locations the mission must have visited .
29 I suppose I should warm up the audience with a few Hound of the Baskerville howls , send Rainbow 's eyes swirling round like Roman candles , and cause fruity Yiddish curses to croak and gibber from her mouth .
30 Owen drew breath and plunged back to the little group , still hemmed into a few yards of the pathway .
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