Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj] [adj] [noun pl] i " in BNC.

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1 I was still crying when I put on my boots and picked up my kitbag ; and after a few desperate embraces I burst out into the stars and the snow — the constellations of snow , the blizzard of stars .
2 Out of the short-wave receiver comes a scratchy-hum , and for a few bleary seconds I think it 's a radio station closed down for the night .
3 For a few horrible moments I thought the motor would n't fire , but after several pulls it caught , then I just hooked my overnight bag over one shoulder , took the tiller and made for the shore , which looked so close that I felt I could have swum across . ’
4 In a few hurried situations I forgot to switch on , and missed the picture opportunity while trying to figure out why the camera was n't working .
5 In a few quick strides I was back at the bend , and was just in time to see a movement in the bushes on the lower side of the track .
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