Example sentences of "[prep] more [noun pl] [conj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With your help we can put life-saving Oral Rehydration Therapy within reach of more mothers and more children .
2 Such ideas as the use of more legumes or other nitrogen-fixers and the ingenious use of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the floating fern , Azolla , in paddy fields in southern China offer a ray of hope .
3 The effect of more exports and less imports is to increase aggregate demand :
4 Throughout the network there would be a need to attend to the litter problem , perhaps through the provision of more bins and heavy fines for littering .
5 ‘ Please , ’ she replied , but she was grateful to him that he did not hurry her but allowed her to look her fill before they set off through a pathway of more trees and green parkland .
6 On that basis , production should be increased with the hope of more jobs and increased business for ailing industries — which could help kick-start the economy .
7 But Japanese car maker Toyota is its biggest , it 's hoped their huge new factory at Burnaston near Derby will lead to extra demand in Telford and the possibility of more jobs and more prosperity for people wishing to work there .
8 There 's always to say them up will they against more buses and public transportation .
9 In general the wives of men in working class occupations had larger families , marrying earlier and giving birth earlier in marriage , with more conceptions and live births .
10 I thought jet planes were just trucks with more wings and less wheels .
11 Secondly , traffic levels in east Hackney , with more juggernauts and heavy goods vehicles , would rise considerably , bringing noise , fumes , dirt , accidents and nightmarish living conditions to a wide area .
12 Our Mortgage Advisors have helped with more house-hunts than most people have had hot dinners — so their brains are well worth picking .
13 There seems every reason to believe those 1917 recollections in which Chaplin spoke of how from the moment that he had first seen the light of Brixton he was aware that ‘ unkind fate must have struck his knife unto me ’ and of how he had been ‘ through more hardships and downright poverty than one per cent of the world 's worst Jonahs can tell of ’ .
14 Increasingly they looked to the central government for more grants and financial help .
15 He begged for more laymen and more laywomen to teach in Sunday Schools .
16 Court cases and the resulting media responses given to these new ‘ drug fiends ’ ( to use the phrase coined by Stanley Cohen ( 1973 ) ) verged almost on the hysterical ( see Young 1977 ) , and moral entrepreneurs began to press for more controls and increased action .
17 Money spent on crew and equipment makes for better crew and facilities , makes for better productions , makes for more productions and more money spent on crew and facilities .
18 Check with any Somerset Information Centre for more details and other opportunities in their area .
19 See the " BBCBASIC(Z80) Files ' section for more details and numerous examples of the use of INPUT# .
20 Now is the time to consolidate your gains by asking for more walks and extra perks , as your sensible attitude will enhance your standing during this fruitful period .
21 The prediction had been that these elections would result in more women and fewer Scots around the shadow cabinet table as a result of the voting system .
22 Sharp fulminated against any notion of equality of opportunity while the financial disparities between authorities remained , but his writing on the subject leads one to suspect that he viewed it as a ‘ shibboleth ’ in more ways than financial ones .
23 The attempt to turn mud into a more sophisticated material will result in more seminars and professional activities , but in little real housing for the people .
24 Of biotic arguments for explaining greater tropical diversity , one of the most familiar is that there are more ‘ niches ’ than in temperate latitudes , arising from more habitats or more resources , but these hark back to environmental arguments ultimately .
25 A crisis followed the strike which in turn led to more problems and lower wages .
26 Individuals who apply for the shares through a PEP will be entitled to more shares than other applicants .
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