Example sentences of "[prep] more [noun] [subord] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Are they guilty of more abuse than domestic companies ?
2 And as phones get cheaper , they are within the reach of more people than just businessmen .
3 The excavators at Silchester and Caerwent had found great quantities , but regarded it as merely so commonplace and ordinary , that they hardly bothered even to mention it , thus ignoring the important principle laid down earlier by the great Pitt-Rivers , who attempted to record everything he found ‘ however small and however common … common things are of more importance than particular things , because they are more prevalent ’ ( 1898 , 27 ) .
4 From this point of view analytic expressions such as those of Van Fo Fy & Savin ( 1965 ) are of more use than numerical data ( though presumably these could be fitted for comparison purposes by polynomials or other means ) .
5 In spite of these problems which suggest that the data should be interpreted with more caution than other information that originated in the WHO collaborative studies , the effect of maternal age on early and intermediate fetal mortality is unmistakable .
6 It was a bigger race , she was on a better horse , maybe she had ridden with more coolness than usual thanks to the emergency prescription of Dr Cy McCray .
7 Within three weeks I had handed in my dissertation , Lorne had assembled the rudimentary equipment , and with more bravado than common sense we found ourselves on the island of Celebes in the South China Sea .
8 Along it came , at first , ex-soldiers and civil servants of the losing regime , men escaping detention or worse , middle class families pushed to the margins of society by new authorities with more ideology than common sense , southern farmers stripped of their affluence by misguided economic programmes .
9 Along it came , at first , ex-soldiers and civil servants of the losing regime , men escaping detention or worse , middle class families pushed to the margins of society by new authorities with more ideology than common sense , southern farmers stripped of their affluence by misguided economic programmes .
10 For interferon has been dangled as a bait before investors with more money than scientific sense .
11 There is also a view that sexual crimes against men are regarded with more gravity than sexual crimes against women and that if men as well as women could be the legal victims of rape , this might assist in changing attitudes towards the offence .
12 Sharp fulminated against any notion of equality of opportunity while the financial disparities between authorities remained , but his writing on the subject leads one to suspect that he viewed it as a ‘ shibboleth ’ in more ways than financial ones .
13 Individuals who apply for the shares through a PEP will be entitled to more shares than other applicants .
14 The reason HP is rated ‘ difficult to arrange ’ by more people than other credit types is not that people think it would be more difficult to arrange , but that people generally were quicker to apply any comments to it presumably because it has a more prominent image for them .
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