Example sentences of "[prep] other [noun pl] [verb] the same " in BNC.

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1 The addition of other vendors using the same process would help applications portability between different architectures , said Mace , and generally increase the quality of software .
2 In the absence of other voices making the same moral argument sufficiently loudly , we should perhaps be grateful to hear it from the very heart of the establishment .
3 Furthermore , the analyst must realise that problems do not exist in isolation , but are interrelated with other problems affecting the same situation .
4 * Work together with other employers sharing the same workplace .
5 An expert witness is appointed by a party to assist in putting that party 's case to a tribunal of either judge(s) or arbitrator(s) , with other parties having the same right .
6 Eventually they joined forces with other graduates sharing the same skewed sense of humour , Michael Palin , Terry Jones , Eric Idle and an American-born cartoonist and graphic artist , Terry Gilliam ; and on Sunday 5 October 1969 ( incongruously enough , in a scheduling slot which had always been rigorously reserved for programmes of a religious cast ) the very first episode of Monty Python 's Flying Circus was broadcast .
7 They seem unskilled in the simple acts that console women when they are distressed — like being held gently for as long as they need to be held , making murmuring noises rather than using words ( or even worse , forming sentences ) , wiping tears away and blowing noses … in other words giving the same comfort which you would give to a child .
8 Despite abandoning a planned £34m ( $66m ) European airline venture with Belgium 's carrier , Sabena , and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines , British Airways still wants an alliance with the troubled Sabena , but faces competition from other airlines pursuing the same goal .
9 It would be against our interests to adopt a more protectionist and interventionist policy in aerospace , because it could lead to other countries adopting the same approach .
10 Teachers ' salaries are relatively low compared with those for other professions requiring the same duration of training , so that there is no great incentive to become a teacher .
11 However , given Linotype 's apparent dedication to the market with a promised 600dpi device and moves by other vendors to develop the same market it does n't look as though the current players have too long to wait before they have some real competition .
12 After looking at Dragonfly we briefly discussed which riffs by other players had the same sort of feel , and ended up jamming our way through Hendrix 's Spanish Castle Magic , Manic Depression , Purple Haze and Voodoo Chile — also Clapton 's Forever Man and White Room .
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