Example sentences of "[prep] no [noun sg] [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 On a submission of no case to answer the trial judge ruled that , on a true construction of section 1(1) ( a ) of the Act of 1990 , a second computer had to be involved , so that section 2(1) was inapplicable to the facts , and he upheld the submission .
2 Between them they could think of no way to get the food Mrs MacDonagh had cooked that afternoon , and the plates she had left in the stove , from the kitchen to the table at dinner time without something getting cold .
3 ‘ Covenants , without the sword , are but words , and of no strength to secure a man at all . ’
4 It is of no use to bemoan the existence of such competition .
5 The weekend routine varies , with no work to occupy the day and with extended exercise periods available to those who wish to use them .
6 It came with no endowment to meet the cost of conversion .
7 The track forked with no sign to show the way .
8 With legs stretched out and with no space to flex a muscle — or so it seems to the beginner — a sneeze might unbalance the boat .
9 The key benefit here is 24-hour banking , with no need to visit a branch there are n't any .
10 Most clinics provide an ‘ all-comers ’ service throughout clinic opening hours with no need to make an appointment .
11 That leaves governments and companies with no incentive to reduce the amount of rubbish they create .
12 With no power to drive the klaxons or the air recyclers , the Base was eerily silent .
13 ‘ Dear , dear , your highness , ’ he drawled with no attempt to hide the sarcasm in his voice , ‘ did I hit a soft spot ? ’
14 Lucker drops his cases from his hand with no attempt to meet the ground halfway .
15 He was therefore under no necessity to establish a contract and the question of consideration was irrelevant .
16 Spanish regular officers shamelessly violated the capitulation of Bailén , leaving 10,000 troops to starve on a barren island because they felt under no obligation to obey the rules of war with a ‘ captain of bandits ’ .
17 This is a sign of strength , since franchisees are under no obligation to sell the firm 's brands .
18 But the cyclist was under no obligation to give the constable his name and address , and although the constable is perfectly at liberty to ask his questions , the citizen is under no obligation to answer them .
19 The Queen is under no obligation to restore the number of Knights Companions to the customary 24 , but the feeling is that she will .
20 The advantage to the developer is that he is under no obligation to exercise the option and proceed with the purchase , whereas the landowner must sell the land to the developer if the terms of the option are met .
21 But the APA is under no obligation to adopt the Division 's proposals , and much of Division members ' work is published outside the mainstream , in specialist journals like Psychology of Women Quarterly and Sex Roles , or in interdisciplinary feminist publications like Signs and Feminist Studies .
22 The argument was that in this instance , the police were under no obligation to assist a person to eject a trespasser from his premises , and hence were not acting in the execution of their duty when the constable was assaulted .
23 Conversely , psychology itself has been in no shape to deliver the goods it promised : if educationists were atheoretical , psychologists for their part were producing theories which were too crude to be of much use to educational researchers .
24 In eighty three , when it was obvious that the Conservatives were gon na win because then if you , if , this is history now , but the Labour Party was led by Michael Foot then , it was it was in no shape to win the election in erm the Conservatives were , were led by Thatcher , she was on a high after the Falklands War , the Conservatives romped home .
25 He was in no state to form an idea of what we were talking about .
26 The Aridians , locked in their own war for survival against savage Mire Beasts , are in no position to oppose the Daleks and for a time the TARDIS crew are their prisoners .
27 The Panamanian air force was in no position to oppose the intervention , whatever its political leanings .
28 During the period 1961–73 , the Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs was more likely to take out an enforcement order against a company that did not dominate the market , and was therefore in no position to affect the market price than one that did have such power !
29 She twisted her head from one side to the other , trying to avoid the determined approach of his sensual mouth , aware that she was in no position to move an inch .
30 Industry is in no position to undertake a surcharge on its costs , and will probably reply , as it has just done on the question of arts funding , that industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding : it is not available as a substitute for it .
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