Example sentences of "[prep] which will be [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Production of the two aircraft is scheduled to rise from 35-40 a year to 50 aircraft by 1992 , 60 per cent of which will be acounted for by the BAe 1000 .
2 Babies also become human adults ; the significance of which will be reserved for the next section .
3 Marketing chiefs ‘ have been looking at the mathematics and have worked out that volume counts , ’ says Cunningham , pointing to Unix 's one million a year run rate against the huge base of Windows users — increasing at one million a month — many of which will be targeted for NT .
4 This conclusion can be re-expressed in two ways , both of which will be needed for future discussions .
5 Banks and building societies will repossess and resell over 100,000 homes this year , many of which will be bought for prices well below those of similar properties in the area .
6 The company is currently debt-free with a cash reserve of $31m , some of which will be used for acquisitions .
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