Example sentences of "[prep] which be [vb pp] by the " in BNC.

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1 But you get in nowhere without a pass , applications for which are vetted by the Special Branch , and this year hundreds of passes went missing and had to be queued for .
2 For almost every railway line built by the different railway companies — permission for which was passed by the House in different eras — we laid down different procedures .
3 Voluntary aided schools are governed by an instrument of government ( constituting the governing body ) and articles of government ( regulating the way the school is to be governed ) both of which are made by the local education authority : section 1 of the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 .
4 Parliament ( Parlimen ) consists of : ( i ) a 69-member Senate ( Dewan Negara ) serving a six-year term , two members of which are elected by the Legislative Assemblies of each of the states , the remaining 43 members being nominated by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong ; and ( ii ) a 177-member House of Representatives ( Dewan Rakyat ) elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term and by simple majority in single-member constituencies .
5 Parliament ( Parlimen ) consists of ( i ) a 69-member Senate ( Dewan Negara ) , serving a six-year term , two members of which are elected by the Legislative Assembly of each of the states , the remaining 43 members being nominated by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong ; and ( ii ) a 180-member House of Representatives ( Dewan Rakyat ) elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage by simple majority in single-member constituencies .
6 and PGCE programmes all of which are validated by the University of Wales .
7 Singular matrices can be factorised as the product of two rectangular matrices — again , in more ways than one — the orders of which are determined by the rank of the matrix .
8 As with most classifications of natural phenomena the exact forms of which are governed by the interactions of continuously variable sets of conditions , the classification can be as complex as one likes and the only non-controversial classification is that which puts each reef in a class of its own .
9 Will he confirm that he will reject advice to use as a role model councils such as Lambeth , Liverpool , Hackney and Southwark — in other words , councils which have high borrowing , rotten services and high community charges and which have lost control of their housing stock , and all of which are run by the Labour party ?
10 Thus , if X , Y and Z trustees direct A Ltd , the shares of which are owned by the trust , to pay dividends to B ( the beneficiary ) direct , or the agent of B , and the trustees make an appropriate return to the Revenue then they are not required to take any further steps with regard to the assessment of B to income tax .
11 Table 1.3 also gives the figures for higher degrees , over 90 per cent of which are awarded by the universities .
12 B. In Britain we use large amounts of goods some of which are shown by the bar graphs .
13 Radar is a technique whereby an object is investigated by beaming at it a short pulse of radio waves some of which are scattered by the object and picked up by a detector .
14 Note that there are twelve Runefangs , ten of which are held by the Elector Counts and two by the Imperial armoury .
15 Colour science is well served by books on specific aspects of the subject , many of which are published by the Society of Dyers and Colourists .
16 The second stage is the growth of the crystalline region , the size of which is governed by the rate of addition of other chains to the nucleus .
17 So long as religious music and sophisticated secular music shared the common techniques of imitative polyphony they naturally preserved a relationship the closeness of which is demonstrated by the numerous paraphrase Masses based on madrigals or chansons .
18 In the days before effective treatment , endocarditis , in which the valves of the heart are themselves affected , was a very serious complication , a measure of which is given by the title of a contemporary report : ‘ Gonococcal endocarditis — a report of twelve cases , with ten post-mortem examinations ’ ( my italics ) .
19 A common law court will receive some evidence in writing , whether in the form of reports , exhibits or ‘ agreed bundles of documents ’ ; but in principle the evidence is ‘ heard ’ at the actual trial , the form of which is influenced by the needs of the jury even in those systems , such as the English , where the actual presence of a jury in a civil trial is now quite exceptional .
20 This type of jig has limitations ; it can not make an ellipse , any part of which is covered by the jig .
21 Each chain coils up into a complicated knot , the precise shape of which is determined by the order of amino acids .
22 I was , I was off on , on Sunday , I mean I 've joined yet another marriage agency , off on last Sunday to Latherham , with another nice old chap , you know , erm , I , I go out with erm , women friends , we , I 've arranged , er there 's one very , very good place that does lunches , run by a couple of homosexuals and erm , old age pensioners on Tuesday get , get a lunch , an eight pound lunch , for four pounds , so four friends , three friends and myself are going for a special Christmas lunch that they do , fortnight ago we went for a lunch with the group of the town 's women 's guild and friends , erm , my women 's group that I belong to over at the village of which is run by the television actress er Helen Fraser
23 Fuel load also increases from 40 to 50 gallons , some of which is needed by the larger engine , but this does increase range to 560 nautical miles , respectable for a touring aircraft .
24 None of which is helped by the unruly belches of guitar and stacks of sonic crockery which crash around her with alarming frequency …
25 Juvenile lawlessness , he thought , represented ‘ a serious challenge , the difficulty of which is intensified by the extension of freedom which , for better or worse , has been given to youth in the last generation ’ .
26 Thus , the points that lie in our " invariant set " ( the set of all points lying on intersections of the vertical and horizontal lines ) , each of which is taken by the return map to another such point , correspond one to one with symbolic sequences , infinite on the left , of Ts and Ss .
27 These rays are reflected from the Earth as long wave ‘ heat ’ radiation , much of which is trapped by the carbon dioxide and CFCs .
28 ‘ ( 1 ) … a taxing master and a registrar ( other than a district registrar ) shall have power to tax — ( a ) the costs arising out of any proceedings to which this order applies … ( c ) any other costs the taxation of which is ordered by the court .
29 R.S.C. Ord. 62 , r. 19 authorises taxing masters to tax ( a ) costs of proceedings and ( b ) any other costs the taxation of which is ordered by the court .
30 This cycle of events continually repeats to create an essentially rectangular or square-wave output signal , the frequency of which is controlled by the time constant RC .
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