Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] be [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 It was four days ( during which he was given the last rites ) before his doctors gave him a chance to live through .
2 Centres should note that in an integrated programme of music modules a centre may register a candidate for each of the modules for which it is anticipated the candidate will be successful ie which allows the candidate to be certificated at his/her maximum level of attainment ( see paragraph 5 on Registration ) .
3 5.2 For the series of Music Making modules , Centres should register a candidate for each of the modules for which it is anticipated the candidate will be successful .
4 The distribution has been examined principally within the context of wind blown dune sands ( Bagnold & Barndorff-Nielsen , 1980 ; Christiansen , 1984 ) for which it was claimed the hyperbolic function encompassed the extreme values of the size distribution tails better than the log-normal plot .
5 In late 1916 Nina Boyle went to Macedonia and Serbia to do war-relief work , for which she was awarded the Samaritan medal and the Allied medal .
6 While Holroyd Smith and Cornelius Quin took care of the electrical side of operations , John Lancaster managed the day-to-day running of the tramway , for which he was paid the princely sum of £1–15 shillings a week .
7 To be sure , he still upheld the standards of his father ; he played a full role in the family business on the manufacturing side , but the crown went to his younger brother , Horace , who had not only secured field-promotion to Captain , but went on to bring the family business — and his industry — to new heights , for which he was awarded the OBE several years later .
8 In the defence of Tobruk his battery shot down more than 50 Stuka dive-bombers , for which he was awarded the DSO .
9 Comprising some seventy paintings and forty works on paper , it has been selected by Christopher Green , Professor of the History of Art at the Courtauld Institute and author of Cubism and Its Enemies , for which he was awarded the prestigious Mitchell Prize for Twentieth-Century Art in 1987 .
10 Later that day , 15 Oct , at The Questors Theatre in Ealing , he will be the guest of honour at a fund-raising event for the Questors in which we are promised the opportunity to ‘ find out what makes a critic , what are his prejudices and his preferences , and what are his fears and hopes for British ( and world ) theatre . ’
11 Is not the difficulty in which you are placed the fact that there are now only four Government Back-Bench Members representing Scotland , and 63 of different parties on the Opposition side of the House ?
12 He strongly opposed the orthodox post-colonial constitution proposed by the British government , in which he was assigned the role of constitutional monarch presiding over a Westminster-style parliament .
13 If he demanded that an artist was dropped , the artist was dropped , nationwide — until a Texan broadcaster , John Henry Faulk , who was blacklisted by AWARE , brought and won a libel action in which he was awarded the record sum of $3,500,000 after a six-year struggle .
14 Well that is the first area er in which it is alleged the breach of duty on the part of the defendant .
15 And in the big cities — to go from the relatively sensitive and ‘ socially conscious ’ reports of the District Leader of Augsburg-Stadt — the old attacks on the parasitic existence of Party functionaries gained new strength in wartime conditions ; the extravagance of Party buildings was set alongside the slums in which it was said the great mass of the population still had to live ; and ‘ especially unfavourable note is taken of the feudal life and dwelling of leaders of Party and State ’ .
16 To illustrate the type of problems encountered and the extent to which they are overcome the process of forward planning of student numbers is chosen as a test case .
17 Irrespective of the proportions of the crack or the means by which it is loaded the ratio of the maximum value of this stress parallel to the crack surfaces to the peak opening stress at right angles to the crack is constant and has a value of one to five .
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