Example sentences of "[prep] which [noun sg] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I understand why the Government have maintained an exemption for small businesses , for which survival is of the essence .
2 The department is the centre for the collection of information about the activity , the legal practice , and the reputation of members of the bar including those more senior , almost always Queen 's Counsel ( the conferment of which status is in the gift of the Lord Chancellor ) , from whom senior judicial appointments will be made .
3 Section 83 stipulates that section 82 does not preclude the disclosure of information in any case in which disclosure is for the purpose of enabling or assisting the Bank to discharge its functions under the Act .
4 Dorsal views of the embryos in which rostral is to the top .
5 The tension between these two contradictory functions has provided the space within which new signs and new attitudes can break through ; it also , depending on which function is in the ascendant , explains pop culture 's vacillation to date between empty reaction and charged visions of possible futures .
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