Example sentences of "[prep] which [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Is it really that long ago since ALF carried out a bombing campaign during which one of the injured was a child in his pushchair , almost killed by flying shrapnel ?
2 Only a handful of shows survived the First World War , during which many of the old varieties of berries became extinct .
3 During Friday 20 May and Saturday the 21st the fierce chase continued , during which some of the French ships were scattered all over the Channel ; a few , like the Spanish Armada before them , only escaped by sailing right round the British Isles .
4 The most mouthwatering specimens tend to be found in limestones — famous sites are in the Silurian rocks of England and Mississipian rocks of the U.S.A. The group as a whole had a major crisis in the Permian , during which most of the Palaeozoic forms died out .
5 This Appendix summarises the states through which each of the important LIFESPAN objects may be transitioned .
6 1 Daley Thompson is famous for which one of the following ?
7 Apollinaire , who at the time was fascinated by the interrelation of the arts , and was exploring the visual possibilities of poetry in his Calligrammes ( for which one of the original titles was Moi aussi je suis peintre ) , was inspired by Delaunay 's paintings Les Fenêtres to compose , late in 1912 , his poem of the same name , in which the means are to a certain extent analogous .
8 The horses , of which four of the original six appeared at the 1816 exhibition , were described as ‘ stout Normans , dark brown in colour and … very fleet and hardy . ’
9 The world at that instant splits up into many worlds , in each of which one of the possible results of the measurement is the one that actually occurs .
10 Ramsay was essentially unhappy with the baroque idiom , of which one of the basic tenets is inherent movement , which he found difficult to express .
11 The sharpness of the turn led to a bitter faction fight , at the end of which most of the recent recruits had either left or been ejected on the toe of Healy 's boot .
12 They claim that the Council 's agreement to establish a working group to review the whole situation , of which three of the six members would be representatives of the players , represented ‘ the first step towards recognition of the players ’ right to have an equal voice in the management of the game . ’
13 The proximal tentacle pores are large armed with long rounded scales of which those on the lateral plate are the larger ; they number as follows : .
14 Everywhere the most important element was a department or more usually a series of departments divided along geographical lines , which handled correspondence with missions abroad , of which those in the major European capitals were by far the most significant .
15 However , one will do well to reflect on the following remark of Bentham ( of which some of the second part of this work might be seen as an endorsement ) .
16 This perception was heightened by the zeal with which some of the five CMHTs set out to protect the purity of their developmental work and their freedom from routine casework — and by the decision of all the CMHTs to begin their work by undertaking an exhaustive survey of all identifiable people with learning difficulties ( and carers ) to establish their needs and preferences .
17 Demographics , natural wastage , the new consumerism and the Thatcher ‘ revolution ’ had seen off the decaying politico-cultural formation into which many of the imagined readerships were inserted , and the ‘ structures of feeling ’ which had underpinned and sustained them were exhausted .
18 On July 9 the Seimas approved an election law by 93 votes to one , under which 71 of the 141 deputies would be directly elected and 70 by proportional representation ; there would be a 4 per cent threshold for gaining seats .
19 The Pearson agreement also made a key concession to the less populous provinces by providing for a reform of the federal Senate into an elected chamber within which each of the 10 provinces would have eight representatives .
20 The Pearson agreement also made a key concession to the less populous provinces by providing for a reform of the federal Senate into an elected chamber within which each of the 10 provinces would have eight representatives .
21 During the period 1950–87 the local government structure , within which many of the social services are based , came under review .
22 Catholicism as an ideology and the Church as an institution were central to the strength of Spanish conservatism both before and during the Republic , thanks to the power not only of school , pulpit and press , but also of a large and comprehensive network of church-sponsored social , professional and farmers ' organizations within which much of the Catholic population was enmeshed .
23 In this case the duration of time spent in training constituted a not insubstantial part of the total duration of the contracts upon which most of the temporary workers were initially recruited ( six months ) .
24 Demonstrations throughout April and the first part of May organized by activists opposed to ( ex-Communist ) President Rakhmon Nabiyev 's regime culminated in the formation of a coalition government , announced on May 11 , in which eight of the 24 ministerial posts went to opposition members , while Nabiyev remained as President .
25 The most important is the social protocol in which 11 of the 12 members ( Britain opted out ) agreed to use majority voting to harmonise working conditions and employees ' rights in the Community .
26 Consider , in particular , the case in which one of the two causes of density variation produces an increase with height and the other a decrease .
27 She argues the case through a reading of a history painting ‘ Zeuxis Choosing his Models for the Painting of Helen of Troy ’ of the late 1770s in which one of the female figures stands behind the classical Greek artist and herself reaches for the chalk to start on the blank canvas beside her , and through a self portrait ‘ Angelica Kauffman Hesitating between the Arts of Music and Painting ’ ( 1794 ) .
28 The impression given by de la Broquière of the Mufti as a chiefly religious figure is strengthened by the only two known incidents in which one of the first three " traditional " Muftis was actively involved in his capacity as Mufti , namely Fahreddin Acemi 's rout of the Hurufis and his taking the chief seat in the debate on both of which incidents find parallels in the careers of later Muftis .
29 A different illustration is provided by the collaboration in 1983–84 between the ILEA and the London Institute of Education , in which one of the former 's advisory teachers acted as placement tutor for six students from the emotional/behavioural difficulties option of the latter 's Diploma Course .
30 In the first place , in a style in which one of the fundamental problems had always been the reconciliation of solid form with the picture plane , the letters written or stencilled across the surface are the most conclusive way of emphasizing its two-dimensional character ; Braque has stressed this when he said of the letters : ‘ they were forms which could not be distorted because , being quite flat , the letters existed outside space and their presence in the painting , by contrast , enabled one to distinguish between objects situated in space and those outside it . ’
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